Game of Thrones Lino Facioli leaves Rob Arryn behind in new play (Picture: HBO – To Drone In The Rain)

Game of Thrones star Lino Facioli has well and truly left his Rob Arryn days behind him, as he has taken on a new role in the dystopian play To Drone In The Rain.

Yes, the actor – who made his grand return to the fantasy saga in the final ever episode – has joined fellow GoT star Michael Benbaruk in his latest project.

To Drone In The Rain takes a deep look into technology and how it could affect us as humans in the future – and it sure is eye opening.

The whole story was set in the protagonist Tom’s bedroom with a cast of three actors.

But despite the simplicity of the production, the team managed to convey a heartfelt and intriguing story, that touched on mental health and even explored domestic abuse.

Michael did a remarkable job at portraying a disabled man bound to his wheelchair, who was looked after by a drone girl played by Nell Hardy.

The actress managed to pull the audience into her confusing world as she battled against her love for Tom without trying to smother him.

The star is currently playing a drone boy in To Drone In The Rain (Picture: Instagram / Lino Facioli)

However, she ended up almost killing him with kindness, and you couldn’t help but feel a sense of hopelessness that was expertly conveyed by the young star.

Throughout the evening, fans were treated to a satirical take on what’s actually going on in the world of technology, as Tom barely left the house and couldn’t even make a phone call for himself.

As well as this, the writer, who was also the leading man, managed to mix in dark humour as things remained light even though you witnessed Tom’s mental health deplete.

He starts to turn to alcohol and basically lives in his own bed ‘s****ing himself’ in diapers as he watches the world go by.

A truly thought provoking play not to be missed (Picture: Instagram/todroneintherain)

Even though your left feeling sorry for the character, you can’t help but laugh, as relatable yet twisted arcs have been cleverly worked into the script.

It’s a scary interpretation as to what could happen to mankind if we keep on living in the world of social media.

So much so the protagonist falls in love with a girl he has never met and only knows online, which seems all too familiar.

With a likeness to Black Mirror in the sense that it touches on fears all too real, it’s a journey into the unknown showing cyborgs with thoughts and feelings only ever linked to mankind.

It sure is eye opening (Picture: todroneintherain)

Computers are able to feel not only emotional pain but physical, enabling both the drone girl and boy (played by Lino) to fall in love.

It’s scary, and yet not so unbelievable, making the plot even more frightening in the sense that somewhere down the line we too could be living in a completely different world dominated by machines and loneliness.

Although there is a glimmer of hope, as the show touches on a world where we can leave the crux social media behind and live happily ever after – without being mentally drained by an online addiction.

It’s a truly thought provoking play not to be missed, which will leave you questioning your life choices, and afraid for future generations.

To Drone In The Rain is currently on at the Tristan Bates Theatre, in London, and will run until 15 June. Tickets are still available here.

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