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One of the the people I’ve always been wanting to do a collab with is Preston Jacobs and…well….it happened but Preston;s microphone fucked up so we’ll have to re-do it. This is just Preston and I talking about the Gendry theory and talking about other Game of Thrones related matters. Enjoy!

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▬▬▬▬ Information ▬▬▬▬

Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created for HBO by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. Based on the fantasy novel series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. A Game of Thrones is one of the most successful television series to ever made and continues to captivate audiences all over the world. The series is set on the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos, and interweaves several plot lines with a large ensemble cast. The first narrative arc follows a civil war among several noble houses for the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms; the second covers the attempts to reclaim the throne by the exiled last scion of the realm’s deposed ruling dynasty; the third chronicles the rising threat of the impending winter and the legendary creatures and fierce peoples of the North. Game of Thrones Episode Review. Game of Thrones Season 5. Dance of The Dragons. Stannis Baratheon and Melisandre, Shireen, Lady Stoneheart, Sansa Stark and Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, Olly, Samwell, For The Watch, stream, HBO. reaction. dies hodor hold the door white walkers origins children of the forest



  1. Originally we were going to talk about the leaks and we will but Preston's microphone messed up a bit (as did mine for a while in this one) so we'll have to re-do that. While discussing if we should re-record the first video we started talking about this theory and here you go. It's not the first video I wanted to dish out but I did want to give you guys something.

  2. I think Jon was made King in the North because it happens in the books..

    Only thing the show forgot to add was Robb's will … And to not kill the last people who saw him write it , and those that signed it .. Main one being Robb's right hand The GreatJon Umber, who is dead in the show, but a hostage at the twins in the books… Jaime might have released him too after the seizure of riverrun … So he'll go back, tell the other Lords about the will, and they will go to the wall and get their king

  3. The problem with show theories is that the very nature of a theory is that you use facts and logical deduction to arrive at a conclusion. Since the show has more than amply displayed how completely devoid of logic it is, the very idea of a show-related theory falls flat. The theory that the show has no theories is the only show-related theory that makes sense.

  4. I think Tyrion's scene with Theon in Season 1 was pretty good. Tyrion's behavior can be explained easily enough. He showed up at Winterfell with good intentions, including a design for a saddle to help Bran but Robb acts all hostile towards him for no apparent reason that Tyrion is aware of. So he probably wasn't feeling super friendly when Robb's buddy Theon apprached him. Not to mention he probably isn't a big fan of Greyjoys to begin with because of their rebellion. But really I think that scene was more about Theon's character than Tyrion's. It was an opportunity to give us some of his backstory and the realm's history through dialogues since they weren't doing flashback. Tyrion also joins the list of other characters (Ros, Osha, Rob, Maester Luwin) that give Theon a hard time in Season 1 about his living arrangements which likely played a part in his eventual betrayal. But yeah they got it all wrong in Season 6.

  5. The cousin Margaery mentioned to Sansa in season 3 could have been a cousin on her mother's side and therefore not a Tyrell. On the show we see a bunch of handmaidens and book readers assume these are her cousins from the books but it is never confirmed on the show and even if they are her cousins they probably blew up in the Sept with her. It's quite conceivable that the Tyrell line has been wiped out. I'm hoping that leads to Randyll Tarley siding with Cersei when she names him the new lord of the Reach.

  6. That whole counter to the maggy the frog 3 children theory makes no sense 4 children but only 3 that were hers if she gave it away it's not hers exactly what Preston says then Roberts bastards aren't his 20 he only has 2 Edric and maya who he recognizes as opposed to the rest but she says 20 acknowledging all of them.. he calls him vahres and he calls her sersayy

  7. Super excited to hear you're a fellow Butcher fan, Carmine! Would you ever consider doing Dresden videos? Also-are you caught up on the series at this point including short stories? Dying to hear your take on the latest Molly short story, 'Cold Case'!

    Sorry if I seem like a spazz, I'm just slightly obsessed with all of Jim's work.

  8. How could Pycelle, who is Tywins man, not protest to shipping of Tywins first legitmate grandson? Tywin would have been pissed if he found out that pycelle had hidden his oldest grandchild. I don't see how Gendry even in the show could be Cerceis, but then again not everything in the show makes sence so…

  9. In the show the only thing Gendry says of his mother is. 1. she had yellow hair, 2. she used to sing to me, 3. she died when he was little. if his mother was Cersei, why would he remember his mother dying? If someone had told him she died, he would have said, something to that effect. The show makes it seem like his mother was of no significance. However, if GRRM had written the scene with cersei about her child that died when young..we could surmise that there is more going on here but since, that scene with Cat & Cersei was a fabrication of D&D, I think that its safe to assume those are meaningless, throw away pieces of information.

  10. Its funny how you criticised the show people for forgetting things and then you forget what prompted Tyrione's mockery of Theon.

    Tyrione had just left the hall at Winterfell where Robb basically accused him of being involved in Bran's fall. After making Robb look stupid with an act of kindness(the gift of his design for a saddle for Bran),a gesture of camraderie(pointing out that he is also physically challenged due to his height, problematic legs and people's view of him)and a well aimed barb at Robb, Tyrione found Theon sneering at him in the yard. Theon was the one who began the insult war, Tyrione just won it.

  11. What is red teams obsession with littlefinger? He pulls all these theories out of his ass that I don't see any proof for. And people call PJ a tinfoil conspiracy nut, but at least he has proof to back up his theories.

    Like why does he believe Petyrs gonna put Gendry on the throne? His logic all seemed to be supposition?

    IDK, I came for the Preston

  12. So I finally got around to listening to this, while running on a treadmill; came to a point where you two started discussing name pronunciations of some characters in Thrones… I started laughing. Reeeally laughing. L-O-L-ing out loud (purposefully redundant); THANKS CARMINE, for that "Pe-TÁR" pronunciation of Petyr. Even as I'm writing it now I laugh in dork-like fashion.

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