Carmine of RedTeamReview and I sit down and talk about Roy Dotrice and what we disliked about the Ice and Fire book series.
00:00 Intro
02:40 Roy Dotrice
08:25 What We Disliked
38:00 An Author’s Stranger Things
55:40 Outro
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Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created for HBO by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. Based on the fantasy novel series, A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. A Game of Thrones is one of the most successful television series to ever made and continues to captivate audiences all over the world. The series is set on the fictional continents of Westeros and Essos, and interweaves several plot lines with a large ensemble cast. The first narrative arc follows a civil war among several noble houses for the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms; the second covers the attempts to reclaim the throne by the exiled last scion of the realm’s deposed ruling dynasty; the third chronicles the rising threat of the impending winter and the legendary creatures and fierce peoples of the North. Game of Thrones Episode Review. Game of Thrones Season 7. Dance of The Dragons. Stannis Baratheon and Melisandre, Shireen, Lady Stoneheart, Sansa Stark and Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow, Olly, Samwell, For The Watch, stream, HBO. reaction. dies hodor hold the door white walkers origins children of the forest
When Sophie Turner was asked, she said that Carmine was going to be a "boss ass bitch" next season. I cant wait.
Claudia Black is Australian not British.
You are most likely pronouncing her name wrong Preston. Doran's three children are named Arianne, Quentyn, Trystane, notice a pattern? Martin does that with other families as well, but you probably know that already.
I want the whole series written from Walder Frey's POV
Harry Lloyd does a great job with dunk and egg
I love the Sansa chapters – because they show us a POV on king's landing
Happy Halloween!
Arya is Martin's wife's favorite character.
The weirwood trees are the vampires in "A Song of Ice and Fire" – corpses, drink blood, don't die.
Sansa's story would be a little better if the Hound and her had more of a relationship. Like if she left KL with him when he fled the battle of the Blackwater or even if she fell for him. I just love the hound.
Now that you mentioned it. I would love to have a Viserys(sp) chapter.
By the way, Im one of preston's fans, but i have to say this. Jamie's feast storyline is very good in my opinion, granted preston's right about him wandering aimless through the riverlands, it does feel like its a setup for something else, in fact in several moments of the series, we find out about more than just our pov's perspective, we learn about something else, in this case it served to learn about the darry lands, the crakehall freys, the blackwoods and brackens and stonehear/brotherhood/brienne stuff.
In my opinion our boy preston is just a bit too feminist and stuff and his interests go along with those lines. But wait a minute there are a lot of topics we're discarding by focusing too much on our pov's mindset, I'll just say this. What about the tyrell's?
I have never cringed so hard as when you said drumpf. You need to have a warning label for that shit preston, I didnt even have a chance to brace myself and nearly cringed out of my chair.
Preston has a future in audio books. That last minute and a half made my week!
Can someone explain the Preston Westeros History controversy please
Oh… I hope you don’t get too much grief about not knowing the Drumpf thing.
1.- Tyrions tortulesighting boring ass river ferry ride, and each time he says "wherever whores go" AKA George struggling with the mireneese knot.
2.- Dany in Mereen, AKA George struggling with the Mireneese knot from another POV.
3.- Areo Hotah and Ariannes huge waste of time queenmaking extravaganza.
4.- Shae Sex
I kinda liked Brienne's travelogue. POV on the small folk and normal business in the riverlands was ok. For a story that critizices aristocracy and monarchy, the smallfolk are worth shit in this book. Even Davos is only relevant in the light that we works for a King.
Broke new ground
You guys should discuss theories and shot about Rick and Morty
You should do a big series on how you think the A Song of Ice and Fire series will end based on themes present in the story, George's anti-war mindset, George as an author, his previous stories and all the foreshadowing in A Song of Ice and Fire. Maybe you could even include what you think the endgame for each character will be. This series would get you so many views.
They are actually making a nightflyers tv show.
Oh shit! Swapping out the Sansa POV chapters with Cersei would be amazing!
I think Danelle Lothston is the closest thing to a vampire in ASOIAF
Love the new logos!
I love how the intro to these are exactly like the baited podcast
How does Carmine not know about the Drumpf thing… it was only the best video on the internet for like 3 solid months.
2 last names.
2 scoops.
2 genders.
2 terms.
Im pretty sure that Claudia Black is Autstralian not British.
what book will be preston be talking about next time on 1000 world book club?
Feast For Crows is great guys
aaaw… now I'm sad about Roy Dotrice… I recently got the dunc and egg on audible…and I own the books of GoT tht he read
Preston watched Angel, I loved that show!
When listening to the end, I'm glad I'm not Tris Botley.
"His real name is Drumpf." You mean it used to be his family name 300 years ago… Should we start calling you Preston Yaakov? Smh
31:20 Maybe GRRM knew that we all needed some bad posse
Wanna hear something pathetic. If you make fun of Carmine for being a know it all pussy who actually knows nothing, or if you point out how retarded his ideas are he will block you from posting on his site.
Can you say baby dick? Lol. His dick is tiny and he doesnt understand that a "heel" in the comment section only makes your gay fanboys also irritated and they will start commenting. Comments, likes, and subs on posts make money for the creator… So he's not only got a small dick but he is stupid… Good job teaming up with this guy Preston. Majority of your youtube fans hate this bitch and i assume half your paetreon supporters do too.