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Game of Thrones is an original HBO series based on George R.R. Martin’s best-selling novels. In a world where summers span decades and winters can last a lifetime, the crown of Westeros comes with a price. Betrayal, lust, intrigue and supernatural forces shake the four corners of the Kingdom, from the scheming south and the savage eastern lands, to the frozen north and the ancient Wall that protects the realm from the darkness beyond. Kings and queens, knights and renegades, liars and noble men vie for power in the bloody struggle for the Iron Throne.
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Game Of Thrones: “Power” Trailer (HBO)
Thank you for creating this official Thrones trailer playlist
Best trailer to season 1 imo.
Amazing series. At first I watched an episode out if boredom. Then watched it back to back after that episode. 2seasons in a 2 days. It was that good
anyone knows the soundtrack of this trailer?
What's the name of the song at the beginning?
GRRM writes 1 episode a season, not every single episode.
So this is where Queen Gorgon goes after King Leonidas is killed?
Power resides where men believe it resides.
look up breaking bad season 4 trailer and pretend the voice over is not there in the beginning what looks better this or that swords or badass awesomness like breaking bad
I know right? Guess who the scriptwriter is… GEORGE R. R. FUCKING MARTIN. They have no right to complain about changes the WRITER made.
Not necessarily, the exec producer role is often a nod, like Robert Kirkland for Walking Dead (he's not very involved, although he has written a couple of eps) and Jon Hamm for Mad Men
I believe Daenarys is the main character, because by book 5, everything revolves around her:)
@ownedinthe2260 He's considered to be the main character in "A Game of Thrones" yes, but primarily because he has the most POV chapters. That's a fan conceit though. I don't think Martin has ever issued an opinion on it. The show is structured diferently from the book (because it has to be) therefore the concept of 'main characters' is a bit murky.
@waitingformypopcorn Also, the writer of the books is one of the exec producers, so that means that whatever changes are made from the source material, he must have been somewhat okay with
@waitingformypopcorn the only "little thing" in this show got an emmy so what is there to complain about?
I was half expecting Kayne West's "Power" to play over this, someone should do that.
@JustSivas58 Based on your comment, I'm sorry, but I gotta say this: no, fuck you.
@JustSivas58 He was still only a POV character though, all the other main characters have equal screen time, hes only seen as the main character because Sean Bean was in all the Marketing promos
@ownedinthe2260 He was the main character in the first season, fuck the book.
@JustSivas58 Ned isn't the main character, he is just one of the POV characters in the books.
Anyone know the music?
I agree. Clash of Kings was a great read. In fact after I was done with it I considered it only slightly underachieving of the promise A Game of Thrones started out with. Which isn't a knock, it's just very hard to follow up a masterpiece with another. But when I was done with A Storm of Swords; that's when I fully understood what George was trying to get across in Clash.
The Book of the New Sun had always been my favorite fantasy series; right up until the Red Wedding.
Game of Thrones = LOTR meets DUNE? ^^
@JustSivas58 neds not the main charakter. He was one of many. Now, hes dead. He wont be the last. Winter is coming. catches it quite well ^^
People upset by Ned Stark's death should really, really steel themselves for what is coming. The next few seasons will make S1 look like a picnic.
And that is all I will say
@xexooo I cried when they FUCKING KILLED THE MAIN CHARACTER. Ned wtf shit series!
I cried when they killed Lady D;
@aesaphyr very nice. :>
@FeuerFremder Reminds you of the currenty world we live in? ^_^
About the best of the trailors I've seen.
@unitron2005 Many of us are in the Southern Hemisphere. Where, in fact… winter IS coming.
Sunday is coming!
I just love the between the lines message those books provide.
The real dangers loom behind the wall, yet All those foolish little men and their games of deception, they are too blind to see that, too busy plotting and conspiring against each other.
Because if Its HALF as good as the books, it'll still be better than 95% of current TV|shows
Don't know what's with all this hype. the trailers all look pretty shitty to me.
the casting in this is so awesome, michelle, kit, Isaac Hempstead, and Maisie Williams better be stars after this
for some unknown reason, i imagine Cat to look like Nicole Kidman and Cersei, Rachel Hunter. Danaerys was hard to envision.
Fucking Lannisters