Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 3 “What Is Dead May Never Die”.
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Game of Thrones Season 2 Episode 3 “What Is Dead May Never Die”.
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I love you. You've totally understood Sansa. People can be unforgiving with her character because of her spoilt brat phase, but she is only about 13 years old at this point. A child!
P.S. You sound like you have man flu!
get well soon
Really enjoy your videos mate. Nice reactions.
The Ironborn are so twisted it's frightening. Their religion is an actual death cult. Their baptism isn't just pouring some seawater over someone. They actually drown the young lads, and then see who can be revived with CPR. Those revived are approved by the god, the "dead that may never die", those who don't failed the test and were weak. But obviously, they couldn't do that to actors. But yeah, the Ironborn aren't cool vikings, they're absolutely monstrous.
Did you sneeze when Brianne took off her helmet??
Your sickness made you a little more outspoken or more talkative, idk hahaha, quite funny though
Joffrey doesn't know Sansa's true intentions, Cersei is a whole other story.
Love your reactions! And from here Arya's journey truly,begins. It's crazy!
GoT fans can be a bit impatient (& sometimes unforgiving). But even today – having seen each episode, in each season, at the VERY least 5 times – I have to take a moment to remember character names & places when I'm speaking out loud to someone about them (which you are doing in your reaction). Don't worry so much about it. You're doing good. Plus, I give you extra points for picking up on the subtle things in the story, and empathizing with characters.
I would so listen to you reading A Song of Ice and Fire… all 5000 them pages!
I mean, I do hope Roy Dotrice lives even longer than he has up till now, but surely a Northern version has its place
About Sansa "playing the game" my feeling about Cersei's reaction is that she was actually gaining a bit of respect for her. At this point its what they want. They need her to accept whats happened to her and play the queen.
On your third, fourth, fifth or even tenth viewing, the names all sink into place.
Them's not the Kingsguard…those are the Gold Cloaks, City watch of King's landing
Great reaction! Loved that you realised how much Sansa was hurting and that her snapping at Shae had to do with that. She can't talk to anyone about anything, and as you said, she has to play along as best as she can.
And loved that you immediately caught on to the significance Gendry's helmet might have! Not many people catch that (even though it played out slightly differently).
Another great reaction. Don't worry about being confused. There is an enormous amount of history and lore to GoT. Show watchers have had 7 years, book readers have had decades. Allow yourself a learning curve. Hope you feel better. By the way, I love A Day to Remember.
I wanted Pycell's manhood to be fed to the goats (or whatever they were gonna make do with). I hate a snake that runs back and tell secrets.
Wait a sec how did you know they are going to Harrenhall?
Well, it's not like she wants to have a threesome with her brother. It's just that she knows Renly's gay and she's going to do nothing for him, but she needs to give birth to an heir as soon as possible, so they've got to do something.
Get well soon!!! I can't wait for the next episodes and seasons to come…..Great reactions!!!!
5:34 The only time Peter Dinklage nearly broke character. He could barely hold his laugh after Conleth Hill's "Noooo… the queen musn't know…"
The whole point of Tyrion telling the 3 small council members different story is so he knows exactly who is informing on him to Cersei…
im gay btw, i like you jay im looking for a gay partner..
good vid m8