PART TWO: Game of Thrones Season 3 Episode 7 “The Bear and the Maiden Fair”.

This is a two part episode. Click here to see Part One:

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  1. tbf, jaime did try to do a good thing with tyrion, trying to get him back from the starks 😛 plus, he didn't want to kill ned unhonourably haha being away from cersei and with brienne can probably change anyone lol

  2. I really enjoyed two scenes you included (which most other reactioners [is this a word lol] don't include) – the scene with Osha and Maester Qyburn and Jamie. Anton lesser who plays Qyburn is another good actor and gets some good lines. This series at its best does very good scenes and great dialogue even for minor characters. Very good thanks! More please 🙂

  3. I always thought getting held hostage and having his hand cut off was the best thing for Jaime. It cut his ego way down and and being around Brienne helped him think of other people other than himself. He can still be full of himself, and can still be an ass, but it's much better.

  4. Two things:

    1. This is when I started not totally hating Jamie. I wouldn't say I started liking him, but I think his time with Brienne is having a profound effect on him. That said, I don't know that I will ever get past him pushing Bran from that tower window.

    2. I know I'll probably take some heat for this, but I've never been to shy away from voicing my opinion, so here goes – I NEVER felt sorry for Theon. Even after this episode. He betrayed the Starks who were better to him than his asshole father ever was. If it was not for him the Starks would not have lost Winterfell. He is getting what he deserves in my not-so-humble opinion. Okay, let the roast begin…

  5. Jaime's….complicated. Putting aside his romance with his own sister, he wants to be a good man, but life is a bit more complicated than the ideal of being a knight that people have invented in their heads. It's like his speech about oaths: what happens when your oaths contradict each other? He swore an oath to defend the weak and protect the innocent, but he also swore to protect the king. So what happens when your king is about to slaughter hundreds of thousands of innocent people? What oath has precendence? What happens when your oath to honor your father and obey your king come in conflict? And yet people have treated him like shit because he broke one oath to uphold another. I think some of his behavior is kind of like a line from Black Sails that's something like "you've all decided that I am a monster, so I will be that monster" (Haven't seen the episode in ages.)

    Also, you'll find that most horrible things he's done, while not being the behavior of a truly good man, they weren't for evil, sadistic reasons. He didn't push Bran out a window because he just felt like watching a little kid splatter on the ground for entertainment, but to protect Cersei and their children, who Robert would have killed had he found out that the children were all Jaime's. At the very least, his behavior was out of selfishness, but still not out of malevolent sadism, like when he killed his cousin and that guard in his escape attempt.

    Sadly, he's not as strong a person as he'd like people to believe. He's fairly easily led by the women in his life. When he's with Cersei, it brings out all the worst in him, but when he's with Brienne, it brings out the best in him, simply because of the kind of women they are. He's trying to do good, but he needs guidance.

  6. One of the great things about this show is that as things develop we see new sides to characters, they grow and change not like most movies where there is a good guy and a bad guy, set in stone, someone you easily and always root for vs. someone you just hate. I mean, there are certainly characters who are more evil, some who are totally evil, but many who are kind of in a grey area and there is room for redemption. I mean, who thought we'd ever be feeling sorry for Theon, right?!

  7. Jamie is one of the most conflicted characters on the show. From what we have seen till now, everything bad he as done can be linked to his toxic relationship with Cersei. As we have seen, even his decision to kill the Mad King was a right one!

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