Game of Thrones Red Wedding reactions from Tywin Lannister (Charles Dance), Arya Stark (Maisie Williams), Loras Tyrell (Finn Jones), Margaery Tyrell (Natalie Dormer), Hodor (Kristian Nairn), Brynden Tully aka Blackfish (Clive Russell), Gendry (Joe Dempsie), Beric Dondarrion (Richard Dormer) & Pyp (Josef Altin), including a special appearance from Talisa Stark (Oona Chaplin)! How did they feel watching the brutal and bloody Game of Thrones Season 3 Red Wedding?
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Interviewer: Jan Gilbert
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Music composed by and special thanks to Blair Mowat
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Tywin Lannister is so much like Tywin Lannister
2:42– I don't remember her in the show.
Name of the song?
mate, tywins actor is just as savage as tywin!
"Explain to me why is it more noble to kill ten thousand men in battle than a dozen at dinner." – Tywin Lannister
Good or bad, it's all perspective. So viewers cry watching the Red Wedding but go hooray when thousands of soldiers die? Unknown soldiers who could have been more kind-hearted than Cat and Robb but were never written about similar to the innocent lives lost in 9/11 or Pearl Harbor.
I came for tywin. I named my dog tywin.
fucking tywin
I will never get over how beautiful Natalie Dormer is.
Charles Dance talks like he was there during medieval days in the flesh being evil and ruthless. lol
Everyone:We were shocked
Charles Dance:Welp,I won
Are Richard Dormer (Beric) and Natalie Dormer (Margery) related or is it a coincidence?
Are you not entertained?!
It's strange to see Hodor talk
I had to pause it at 0:24 to see if the actor is related to Natalie Dormer because of their surnames and because they look alike
Tywin does a great job playing Charles Dance
it's so funny watching Tywin act like Charles Dance
it felt weird hordor talking
Yes it was absolutely shocking. But the Hodor death was really most sadly and unfair and… mixed feelings