Scene from episode 10 (season finale) “valar morghulis” season 2
(no, i have no idea why the resolution of the videos has gone so low, i’ll try to fix it, don’t hate me.)



  1. What if the bittersweet ending is actually that Daenerys and her dragons are being held captive in the house of the undying and everything that's been happening since she entered have been visions.

  2. Esta visión para mi es un presagio de muerte para Dany…porq ella se acerca al trono pero nunca lo toca..y sobre el cae nieve q para mi es una alusión a Jon, en cambio luego aparece q sale mas alla del muro y se encuentra con sus dos seres queridos muertos Drogo y su hijo no nato…todo esto es lo q esta pasando ahora, ella hizo a un lado su lucha por el trono justo cuando podia tomarlo para irse al norte…en donde como yo lo interpreto esta visión encontrara la muerte, q en la visión son Drogo y su hijo..quienes la esperan en el mas allá

  3. Let me try, the undead is marching to kings landing, and in attempt to kill them cercei sets the kings landing on fire using wildfire. Logically, they can die from fire or by valyrian steel. So i guess that what will happen in season 8

  4. This makes so much sense now. Her bitter sweet ending. Her entire arc has been one of ruling the seven kingdoms but once winter is over most of the seven kingdoms will be destroyed and she will have nothing left to rule over .(bitter) We see however she coulddve taken the iron throne but it doesn't belong to her, it belongs to Jon (snow on the throne). Also she chooses to go north as the throne is in her reach (S7). She hears the cry of a dragon (Jon for help) and possible Viserion (his death). When she's beyond the wall its miserable but she comes to a tent where Drogo and Rhaego are. I always thought this meant her death but it doesn't. It's parallel symbolism:1) her two remaining dragons (Drogo/Drogon) and (Rhaegal/Rhaego)..2) she finds love beyond the wall (Jon) and will give him a son (aka boatsex conception). She recited her prophesy not being able to have children which foreshadows she will have children with Jon. Notice the warm colors/weather outside the tent. That's her ending after winter. She n Jon will survive and end together with a child (Sweet) but the one things ever wanted (The throne is destroyed) and so is most of Westeros (bitter). That is her bittersweet ending

  5. In some ways season 7 seems to have delivered on this vision.

    Comes close to the iron throne but does not touch it – arrives at Dragonstone, in a position to rampage and take over the Throne but does not (the closest she will get, why Jon reluctantly or otherwise will end up on the throne instead) The weather could represent snow or the march of the White Walkers, Winter is here, the threat is imminent.

    She ends up north of the wall – comes to the aid of Jon Snow and the motley crew north of the wall to fight the White Walkers/Night King.

    Out in the wilderness finds Drogo and a child in a tent, maybe the child is Viscerion and being with Drogo represents his death.

    As a comment below stated she snaps back to reality and sees her dragons, initially in the shot you only see two with Viscerion missing, before he later is visible in the frame.

  6. That shot of the red keep is so nostalgic, supposing it will end this way and thinking all history and the things that has happened there since Aegon to what we've seen in the show.. To be ended like that.

  7. After watching the night king pass the wall, Season 7 just brought me back to this video just to see the abandoned throne room to give a thought of how only Daeneyris saw a warning to how the future of the keep will look like before anyone else.

  8. The vision of the red keep destroyed also appears in Bran's vision many seasons later. Bran also has a vision of dragon flying over King's Landing and an auditory vision of him saying "He saw me" which is exactly what he said 2 seasons later when the Night King sees and touches him while he is greenseeing with the old Three Eyed Raven.

  9. Well, I think that the visions of Drogo and Rhaego, means the dead of one of her children (as we saw with Viserion) and her lover beyond the Wall. So, if what I'm saying it's true, and one of the parts of her visions it's already done; maybe Drogo (that represents the death of a lover) could be a representation of the faith of Jon? Because Jon giving his life fighting the White Walkers it's some really possible.
    I have been thinking this theory lately and really surprises me that I haven't seen it.

    Also, English it's not my first languages so some things probably don't make sense lol

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