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fire-breathing bitch
Damn how did I miss this part!!
I don't understand why did she not just pick a woman to marry?
that thumbnail is soo out of context
"Butchered by cowards that hide behind masks.". Sounds a lot like Antifa.
This is nothing compared to what Cersei did
I always thought dragons are possible
We all make methane gas from the foods we eat and their are animals that can make enough electricity to kill other animal
If mother nature chose to do so she could combine the methane gas from digestion with a biological spark of some sort
but most likely the flame created by this animal would come out of a different orifice than we are a custom to seeing in the movies
what happened to this dany? now she's in kings landing grovelling and pleading to cersie. "Oh please, pretty please, cersie, be my friend, no need to bend the knee or anything. I even sacrificed a dragon to bring you proof, cause I need your friendship so badly, oh please be my friend"
It fights Injustice with Justice
Hizdahq did not beg or cower, I respect that
Why is it called kill the boy – I see only MEN in the clip – God!
evil bitch attacks a defedless village crucifies hundreds of people and feeds peaple to her dragons and the danyfags still defend her
Seriously i wouldnt even care if she burned the hole city, barristan got killed because of those shitheads
This was her coolest scene.
know what i just realize how big the dragan shit much be.
Not sure if she's written poorly or intended to be bat shit crazy. Burn a guy one day, marry another the next.
Can you imagine this type of "trials" if she will rule Westeros ? Mad Queen will be her nickname.
How did she knew that man was guilty ? Yes he was a slave owner but he could only had people to teach his kids about history and treat them well . Maybe he was born into a family that owned slaves but he had nothing to do with the decision of having them , maybe he was even agains slavery . He might been the worse of the worse but maybe not. That's why we in the real world use trials not death buy ferocious creature just because you were part of a group.
It's your lucky day dude! Now get off your knees and outta' that cell, pronto!
almost every single person in this show is motivated by some sort of revenge one way or another, but when Dany does something out of vengeance for her most loyal servant, people refer to it as madness. I'm starting to see why women think men hate them lol
just like her father ! shame !
These haters are Stannis fans tell me whats worser crucifying a man who take a 3 childs to be enslave or a man who burn his family to be imaginary in the throne? For fuck sake this is game of thrones not disney's show.
Kill the masters and be done with it, letting them live is what caused this trouble.
I love Targaryen politics. Burn people to death 'cos duh, then get married. A people ask why I want her on the throne.
where can I download the full season of game of thrones?
Damn they made this bitch into Aegon II like when he fed Rhaenyra to Sunfyre
Daenerys is the mad queen. Also, Hizdar was just forced into a proposition not unlike Sansa with Joffrey.
While you're down there Hizdar….
See Barristan didn't deserved to go dying in an alley. wish, we had seen more of his fighting.
Mad queen Deanerys..
ssshhhhhhhhhh listen carefully you can hear the mad king beating off in hell
7:25 moment when he realised ,,man, i will get some valyrian pussy"
So lemme get this straight. There was not a single sword in Mereen to give these men a decent death?
Dario, much as I mislike him, proposed a cohesive and workable plan to purge the city, but no, she must go crazy killing potentially innocent men more to satisfy her mad impulses than to achieve any logical outcome.
fire scared me af everything was so calm until… ЁЯОГ
"I'm not my father." Yeah your arrogant face at 4:19 begs to differ. Looking like she enjoyed it too. Aerys approves. She's fucking deluded and smug.
surely that room would smell like roast
Ser Barristan, the Bold. Killed in an alley by cowards.
3:16 That DAB!
What happened to justice?
After seeing tyrion face the dragons and live it proves that putting the masters of meereen before the dragons or even letting them decide who is innocent and who is guilty wasn't the worst idea.
I just want to point out that during World War Two, the US discovered that flamethrower so killed mainly by producing carbon monoxide when they found many Japanese soldiers dead with not a mark on them after a flamethrower was used on their bunker. So whenever you see a scene like this in a fantasy movie/show, or in a war movie like the beginning of saving private Ryan, just remember people don't burn in situations like this, they almost always die of carbon monoxide poisoning nearly instantaneously
She is 5'2" of cute stuff. She must show she is deadly, to enter the big league across the narrow sea.
I'm tearing up over Sir Barriston's death. I liked him ЁЯЩБ
Her heart belongs to Khal Drogo
dragons be like " i like my food toasted
Spoiler alert! The salmon in your fridge is about to turn.
incompetent leader. just like a woman she makes all of her decisions based on emotion. totally useless and why women normally dont rule.
7:20 Lol Dany rolls up on drogon like "Get on bitch were gettin married lets go"
I feel like this is the shitty part of about a massive separation of citizens by class and stature. Hizdar is not responsible for the rebelion, he is openly agaisnt the sons of the harpie. But he just doesnt really care, slaves and soldiers are getting killed not him. In his mmind you damn well know he doesnt think this is his fight. He has no empathy any more than when he is told he should extend condolences.