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  1. I'm pretty sure melisandre will burn shireen to use her kingsblood to resurrect Jon (now that she knows he's Azor Ahai).

    ….With kingsblood I could wake dragons from stone.
    Dragons = Jon Snow-Targaryen
    Stone = Shireen's greyscale

    I'm pretty sure I heard Tony Teflon come up with this theory on one of his videos, so I take no credit in this prediction lol

  2. when mel finds out stannis is "dead" after hearing about the pink letter she will secretly convince Celise into burning shireen at the wall to resurrect "Azor Ahai" even know mel knows jon is the chosen one she wont tell celise in order for her to agree in sacrificing shireen cuz celise will think it will bring stannis back from the dead but really the sacrifice will revive jon.

    wake dragons from stone..

    dragons=jon targaryen
    stone=shireens grey scale


  3. I'm sure Greatjon's actor is tired of hearing this but he had a very Greatjon altercation with a guy, and bit his ear off. If the book people, of which I'm not a novice rank, want realism, thats  it.

  4. Jon Snow is probably the best leader that we have seen on the tv show.  I wonder why you would say that he isn't a good leader.  Interesting. I mean all Jon Snow did was rally a group of people who hated the nights watch with extreme passion to fight for him. Heck, he even inspired a Thenn to fight with him.

  5. Why does everyone like Stannis?  He's no rightful heir, that's horseshit.  He's the heir to the Baratheon name, but Robert usurped a dynasty that lasted quite a long time.  I believe there definitely is power in blood in GRRM's universe, but the God's gave Dany dragons.  They gave Bran greensight.  Thoros of Myr brought Berric back from the dead.  Sure, things happened like the shadow baby and the leeches (could have easily been coincidence) worked, but Melisandre, at least in the show, admits most of the visions and such are alchemical tricks.  Melisandre has real power though, and that power may have influenced Stannis, but Stannis has been a loser, consistently since the books started.  A major theme of the show is balance.  Stannis has no balance.  His story is about him foresaking his family and his countrymen out of a lust for power he masks as "duty" and "rights."

  6. Why don't you think the show would go to Skagos? Bran, Meera and Osha talk about going to the Bay of Seals in, I think, S03E08 (or near enough to the Red Wedding episode), to which Osha says it would take weeks or months to get there, but only a mere few episodes later, they separate, so she knows where to go, she's got Wildling/Freefolk blood, and it makes sense for show-her to do the same as what Manderley suggested he'd be informed of in the Davos chapters of ADWD.

    I genuinely think that Rickon and Osha with show up either on Skagos, or having been there, and that it will be they who reclaim Winterfell. I think that it'll continue to be the subject of turmoil until that happens.

    Oh, and I think we'll find that the Skagosi are the most like Starks of all people, more like the first men.

  7. I am predicting for the show story Jaime is so in love with Cersei that like the Mad King he will put her down when she threatens the city or the kingdoms somehow and fulfill the Valinqor prophecy. Maye after Tommen dies due to Cersei's paranoid madness.

  8. In the books the moment Mel meets Jon, Stannis almost becomes an afterthought to her.  The way they've handled things on the show, now if she turns to Jon, even if it's legit, it'll look like she's just finding a new toy to play with.  In the books you get the feeling she knows she's backed the wrong horse with Stannis the moment she meets Jon.  You feel she's just lying to herself and refuses to admit she was wrong, but even still she stays at the wall, close to Jon where her magic is strongest.  I feel this is a missed opportunity.

  9. I recently watched the Q&A at oxford with D&D, Jon and Kitt. Kitt- "i'd like to be warg, i'd like to put myself into a wolf" D.B.- "two words- season six" huge spoiler looking back at it.

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