Can Varys be trusted? Whatโs Littlefinger up to? Will Randyll Tarly betray House Tyrell? Did Sam write ASOIAF? Does Daenerysโ battle plan make any sense? What does Nymeria mean to Arya? How has Theon changed?
This video contains spoilers for Game of Thrones up to Season 7 and Book 5, also the TWOW sample chapters.
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Images and video from Game of Thrones are the property of their creators, used here under fair use.
Images from The World of Ice and Fire used with permission from Random House.
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Special thanks to Patrons Reverend Xandria, Cameron Weiss, Jason A. Diegmueller, @Vineyarddawg, @MrFifaSA, Maryam Essa, Michael Appell, Owen, Alex Kirkendall, Jason Rattray, Kate Lyons, Daniel Burkard, Ryan Steele, Eric Louis-Dreyfus, Thee Stevie Franchise, Triangle Wine Company, Harry, AB3, Bobby Eales, Fred Petty, LightCraft Miniature Studios, David Howe, Matthew Elisha Williams, Jake Burling, Chris Cole, Otter, Cregg Riley, Sean Ludtke, Patrick Lorang Skoglund, Hank Lero, Zach Gordon, Klayton Anstine.
"and met ed sheeran… how could she begin to explain all of this trauma?"
3:25 What if Baelish went to talk to Jon in the crypts because Baelish knows that Ned left some kind of clue about Jons true parentage down there and wanted to prevent him of finding it
Oh please, there was no way in hell Theon could have possibly saved Yara. It was done, Euron won that fight. At least now, Theon can avenge her or even save her in the future.
"This week on embarrassing bodies…" lost it there
I love your analysis. The visuals are very good.
Well technically the Tyrell's still kind of had a claim to ruling the Reach anyway, because even though they were originally stewards, they were also descended through the female line of House Gardner. House Gardner were the old Kings of the Reach before they were wiped out during Aegon's Conquest.
Its so refreshing hearing swear words on youtube ๐ I won't even swear in comments to not get banned ๐
landscape aim trick treasure rule controversial ongoing accident.
The dothraki are not bringing their best. They're rapist, murderers and some I assume are great people. -Cersei Lannister
ASoIaF is the greatest story ever told! Thank you GRRM and GoT crew!
I don't think that's the last we saw of Nymeria. I'm curious if the Northern Lords will accept Jon when they find out about his Targaryen identity.
Man that greyscale scene was almost too gross to watch.
what if George rr martin will play old sam!
John will die while fighting the white walkers. Dany is prgenant with Johns son and dies in labor. The baby will never know his parents but will be the king. Thats bittersweet. Maybe Sam will be the maester at kings landing and care for the young king.
Magic Johnson on blast!!!!
9:57 should have been "Hot pie has been baking… and EATING." Dude's a blimp
how could sam write the story if he can't write how people were feeling or what they were thinking? he could only do so if bran tells him these details. unless this theory is show exclusive or it's him being "poetic". otherwise, I don't see how sam alone could be the narrator unless the POV details like a character's thoughts and feelings are just artistic license.
Watching all of these analyses in reverse because it's more entertaining listening to these theories with the hindsight of 20/20, and because it's in my up next play list.
"This week on embarrasing bodies" Gold. Pure gold.
I had a few thoughts watching this.
1. Wouldn't Jon's "wife" theoretically be the Night's Watch?
2. How would LF magically know R + L = J anyway?
3. How does Cersei know what Dani was up to in Meereen? (Seems a bit fishy to me…)
4. Can Randyll just f***ing die already, please?
5. Attacking King's Landing would kill less people than Cersei did at the Sept, if Dani attacked at night from the sea on
Drogon and slagged the Red Keep… but alas, that would mean she wouldn't get her precious dumb chair.
6. I'm really hating the lack of good writing on GoT since the beginning of Season 5.
7. Damn… Hot Pie got even fatter!
8. How the hell does Hot Pie know all that?
9. Why am I still watching this train wreck?
10. OMG! Leave Theon alone! Leave him alone!!!
11. I need a hug – I'm traumatised.
Very nice
Hahahaahhaha Magic Johnson south park reference made my day
13:20 – WTF? I don't remember that! I was actually wondering what happened to him.
Grey Worm and Missandei's love scene was pointless…..ah HA!
Meeting Ed Sheeran
"all of this trauma"
I'm a bit confused, if jon snow is the son of lyana and rhaegar, why does ned stark think its his son? and who did ned stark think his mother was?
that south park reference
Looks like Theon had a Reek-Out.
This shites priceless…I need to catch up on ur vids! lol
the way i see " That's not you " is: she told that to herself, nymeria doesn't acknowledge her as Aria, shes a Faceless one, and i believe that she won't come home after her encounter with her wolf
In previous seasons Alt Shift X episodes on "GoT explained" actually explained what went on and delivered value. There were so many layers in the episodes and so many connections, that the Alt Shift X "GoT Explained" did an amazing job of keeping all the lines straight and sorted and you often times got an epiphany watching them. First you watched GoT and were all like "awesome!", then you watched "GoT Explained" and were all like "AWESOME!!".
Then Season 7 happened.
Season 7 it's more of a recap of what happened, because GoT has turned in to a standard "made for TV" fantasy series. Production values have changed. Cinematography has changed. Everything has been dumbed down. Say what you want about GRRM, but he does know how to write (at a snail's pace). Having show writers continue writing GoT is not the same as having someone who created the universe write. Particularly not when HBO is breathing down their neck moaning about profitability and spin off potential.
Sad, but inevitable.
Never realized how much Reddit content these videos have until I started reading the GOT subreddits.
omg that archer reference. am ded.
Am I stupid for thinking there wasn't enough space on the fleet for another army and that they had to drop off the dothraki and unsullied first?
Where's the S7E03 Explained ?????????
The Patreon episode 3 has been up since this morning. Plus Alt Shift X does a livestream Monday nights, which is basically (at this time anyway) a less finished version of his explanation videos. He also takes feed back from the livestream, which is part of the reason it takes so long. I think he is taking feeback from the Patreon release this morning too. I hate to sound like an ad, but if you are waiting in agony for the next video, the $1/month on Patreon is definitely worth it. ๐
"… and met Ed Sheeran" -"How could she begin to explain all of this trauma..?" looooool
I already watched episode 4 what is taking so long with third one? I don't even learn anything (since it's TV show) I just love your videos man.
episode 3 explained better be at least half hour long
will there be a prequel to the events that happened before what we see in game of thrones? with the mad king, etc.
Episode 3 please
Explain episode 3 and 4 this week (:
Who is here re-watching this episode because the new one is not up yet?
Bran is the Night's King. Calling up the dead? An advanced form of warging.