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Game of Thrones is an original HBO series based on George R.R. Martin’s best-selling novels. In a world where summers span decades and winters can last a lifetime, the crown of Westeros comes with a price. Betrayal, lust, intrigue and supernatural forces shake the four corners of the Kingdom, from the scheming south and the savage eastern lands, to the frozen north and the ancient Wall that protects the realm from the darkness beyond. Kings and queens, knights and renegades, liars and noble men vie for power in the bloody struggle for the Iron Throne.

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Game of Thrones: Season 3 – Episode 7 Recap (HBO)



  1. She would get destroyed… Slaughtered… Those dragons are the key, and there no threat yet. 8000 men is a tiny army compared to the seven kingdoms, she'd lose the first battle. Her time will come, I'm sure of it…

  2. They do. But, the Targaryens took the throne by force also. I think 'kings blood' is just that, the blood of some one who was king ie Robert Baratheon. How they became king does not matter, just the fact that he was.

  3. I hear that Aegon I Targaryen had a half brother who was bastard but he had lordship and he take over Baratheon's castle and marry the daughter of that castle he was also hand to king. That an other reason why they crown Robert

  4. They've condensed some of the characterizations, but it's more than understandable. The momentum they've managed to keep up this season, in terms of plot, is pretty damned admirable. Better yet, it's clever. Clever is gooooood. Onward!

  5. I think they're doing the whole Edric Storm storyline but with him instead. After Arya gets kidnapped by the hound he doesn't appear until book 4 so they probably thought the viewers might relate more with a character they knew.

  6. No, The white walkers and "The Others" are one in the same. In the books the wildlings call them White Walkers and the southerners call them the others. The zombies that the white walkers bring back are called Wights.

  7. I know dragonglass is significant to the WW's due to reading too much into comments (but not spoiling too much for myself, luckily), and obv I know what WW's/the Others are, haha. I was saying I really don't have a clue ~how~ it is significant to WW's. Very excited to see what will happen this Sunday!

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