Game Of Thrones Season 3 Top 10 Moments. The Red Wedding, Daenerys Unsullied, Jon Snow and Ygritte, Night’s Watch Rebellion and White Walkers. ►

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  1. Having ignored GOT for four years I was able to watch it without any prior knowledge or spoilers. I watched season 3 only in the past week, and came to scenes such as the Red Wedding suspecting nothing. As shocking as that was, for me the #1 scene in the first three seasons was far and away Dany collecting her army. I am sorry to hear that HBO ruined it for many viewers with spoilers beforehand. It deserved to be seen with no prior knowledge and I am so grateful that I was able to watch it "unsullied".

  2. I wonder why they made such a deal of Beric being brought back to life by Thoros father the fight with the hound, if they are not #SPOILER  

    going to show Lady Stoneheart? I felt (at the time) it was a preparation for that?

  3. The red wedding is probably the best moment in GoT and perhaps tv history overall in terms of tragedy, suspense and action.
    Robb being crowned king is also a Epic moment.

    you should make a top 10 moments of GoT overall! from season 1-4

  4. My Top 10 Favorite Season 3 Moments are
    10. Jamie Gets His Hand Chopped Off
    9.  Jamie vs. Brien
    8. The Hound vs. Beric Dondarrion
    7.  Jamie and Brien vs. The Bear
    6.  Daninerys Liberates Yunki 
    5. Tyrion's Wedding
    4.  Littlefinger 's Speech
    3. Ramsey Torutures Theon
    2. Daininerys Becomes The Breaker Of Chains
    1.   Obviously…. THE RED WEDDING!!!  

  5. "That thing you did…with your mouth." I can't believe any of the men that Igret had been with before Jon hadn't thought of doing that. Someone might comment saying that the um…smell might have been off putting but from what I've read Nomad cultures like the Wildlings where actually fairly meticulous with their hygiene, washing as often as they could.

  6. In your opinion top, in only your…. council meeting on the end it's the best moment, maibe scenes with lannister and knight woman in my. Climb? No. Trivial scene with mother of dragons? Definitely not. And… not answer!

  7. George himself has mentioned that he wrote the wall as 700ft high, but also admitted when he saw the scale of the wall pre-production, he said he built the wall far higher than he meant to. It was based on a 15 foot wall.

  8. i am a song of ice and fire book reader so its fard foe mt to say what i am looking forward to most this season. of course the purple wedding! but…i think oberyan martell's story is going to be awesome!.

  9. u are right red  wedding and Dany …i cried at the slaughter of 2 fav characters(lady stoneheart better make a cameo!)..and as soon as Dany started speaking Valyrian,with the build up music i knew Kraznys was toast

  10. My "most powerful" scene moment was Jaime and Brianne riding back to back on that horse after Jaime's hand is gone and her telling him to man up. That was epic. She's such a cool character. Not a lot of words, but what she says is so important.

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