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  1. Joffrey does not know how to act completely. He is too childish and does not have any idea what is going on in his surrounding. He is not fit for a king at all because nobody is sure if he is the son of Robert because his Mother and Jaime Lanisters are lovers and plus they are brother and sisters. Joffery could be Jaime's son… Stupid boy….

  2. really hard for me to decide which season is the best, 3 or 4..

    i just loved Catelyn and Rob's story line, but Season four had Oberyn! who sadly only had one season but his acting and story was so well developed in a short time! and sadly the only good part of the Dornish plot was Oberyn. . .

    Season four also has the most under rated battle scene, the battle at the wall/with wildlings was so awesome

    Season 4 has Tyrions (Peter Dinklages) best acting, his trial and then then him facing his father/Shea was perfection. . . .

    it also had the purple wedding, which was one of the biggest if not, largest scene in the season ever ( and i mean total characters in one area )

    Arya and Hound was awesome. . . .

    plus it had the only time Sansa's story was interesting, her being smuggled from kings landing by Peter Baelish, and going to her Crazy Aunt Lysa . . .

    PLUS – Season 4 had the best opening scene of any season in my opinion, after the red wedding, which took years for me to get over, seeing Tywin, have The Stark's ancestral sword Ice, melted down, Rob Starks Wolf pelt melted. . . such a sadly powerful scene. . .

  3. 30:00-33 – why do i hear the lines from Princess Bride "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die".. dont get me wrong great actor but is it just me?? btw that was grotesque way to go buddy!! 🙈

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