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  1. It almost feels like Bronn's putting the idea to betray Tyrion in her head… He talks about how they need to 'adapt' for him he means physically, but Shae isn't a fighter and how better could she 'adapt' and get vengeance than to take whatever deal Tywin and Cersei offer to betray Tyrion and get vengeance?

  2. Kinda dicky of Bronn to plant the seed of betrayal like this. Surely they had to know Tyrion wasn't sending her away because he was bored of her (although Gods know I would've been done with her after one night in that Lannister camp). Maybe Bronn wasn't telling her to betray Tyrion directly, but he was suggesting Tyrion only viewed the two of them as a means to an end. They both started out that way perhaps but I think it should've been pretty clear to both of them they, along with Jaime, Pod and to a lesser extent Sansa and Varys mattered to Tyrion more than anyone else.

    On the other hand, if you subscribe to the theory that Shae was Tywin's spy all along, this serves as a way for her to measure Bronn's loyalty to Tyrion, essentially confirming that Bronn was at least willing to consider betraying Tyrion.

    On the other other hand, it's possible that Bronn was already bought by this point and was spying on Tyrion. Maybe he was just opening Shae's eyes to the possibility of positioning herself with someone other than Tyrion. It's never smart to have all your eggs in one basket.

  3. What's strange is how this scene transitions into the wedding except in the episode they intercut the scene of Tyrion's break-up with the night scene at Dragonstone which makes the time frames very confusing since it was happening concurrently with a daytime wedding. I heard they had originally shot the Dragonstone scene at the beginning of the episode which would have made better sense chronologically. That was a bad place for them to interrupt the scenes in King's Landing and the scene didn't even feel necessary for the episode at all.

  4. Did Bronn really see Shae get on the ship? Tywin says he wants Shae brought to his room before the wedding starts so someone obviously brings her up there before the ship leaves yet Bronn tells Tyrion he saw her get on the ship. So was it Bronn that brought her to Tywin? Or Varys?

  5. I still don't understand why you people think she's a bad actress , I've never felt so. So easy using the fact that she used to play porn to yell she's a bad actress… She's not bad at all, maybe the part was badly writen and rather different from the books but she acts it in a very interesting way. To me she's much more interesting as an actress than Emilia Clarke as an exemple.

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