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  1. I hate that they make Syrio's lessons on water dancing look so useless in the series… those who've read the book know that Arya won more than one match against more than one man clearly stronger and bigger than her with nothing but her water dancing. It just throws the whole respect for Braavos and its style of fight down the mud and I don't like that.

  2. If you'd use three characters most similar to Arya in the books, they would be Varys, Prince Oberyn Martell and Lady Olenna Tyrell. In the show they've turned her into The Hound's dumb sidekick. It's like they've sucked all her complexity for some one liners with the Hound. I don't mind one liners, but they're doing at the expense of Arya's character. Do you want a new Joffrey? Because that's how you get a new Joffrey.

  3. Arya is starting to annoy me. 
    How many times does she have to tempt death before she stops acting so hot headed? 

    The Hound isn't a saint, but holy shit, grab a brain.
    As much as I like the Starks, they have a bad reputation for being tunnel-visioned.

  4. A woman named comicgirl19 is "reviewing" every episode on YouTube. This reviews are 20-30 minutes long, and she tells the details of every episode chronologically, using screen grabs and video. It ruins it for people who have yet to see the episodes. I normally buy the DVDs but why should I when she gives away every frigging detail. 

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