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  1. I HAVE BEEN WAITING ON 'THIS' GAME OF THRONES SINCE THE BEGINNING OF SEASON 1. Waiting 4 fuking seasons for this was 'worth it'. Finally, the real story.

    When the North (true north) comes down past the Wall all the other lil bickering and  shitty drama in the 7 Kingdoms will come to a brief end.

    When you got Giants riding Mammoths, White Walkers and other magical creatures coming to your home town to keel you and or eat you and your children it all the sudden will become US vs THEM.

  2. Boooring!!!!!  I can't believe the producers and writers dedicated a whole episode to repetitive scenes of fighting in the darkness; 15 minutes of that battle would have more than enough.  But: a whole hour? ….

    What about the other (a lot more interesting) story lines? Tyrion, Sansha, Dany….  We always get several story lines in every single episode, and that is what makes the series so fascinating. Why this episode was just one long, repetitive, never-ending, boring battle?

  3. Y'know, a lot of people might disagree, but I'd say that Jon's fight with Styr, or Tormund's fight with Alliser was more intense than Oberyn vs Gregor. I'm not talking about the ending of Oberyn's fight (which was extremely intense), just the fight itself. I felt like there was no steel hitting against steel like the fights in this episode. 

    I also wonder if that's just because Neil Marshall is such a talented director.

  4. do NOT read the comments cause the night is dark and full of spoilers!!!!!
    do NOT read the comments cause the night is dark and full of spoilers!!!!!
    do NOT read the comments cause the night is dark and full of spoilers!!!!!

  5. POSSIBLE SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!1111exlamationmark!!!one!!!!!!!

    Doesn't Jon Snow get stabbed 4 times in this battle or is that further along? I swear I read something about that in one of the books.

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