

  1. This is going to sound really nerdy, but this scene makes no sense. That pattern you see on the sword before it's melted comes from folding the steel. A sword is born from a single block of steel that is folded again and again, before it's actually shaped into a sword. This is forging, and it makes the steel incredibly dense. What Tywin is doing here is melting a forged sword, i.e starting over, and pouring into a cast, which makes it extremely brittle. A single hit should be sufficient to crack it in half.

  2. And one of these blades, made of Ned's own steel, was used to kill Stannis, the man Ned died for. A disgusting bad writing by D&D. There's a reason why season 5 and 6 are not as loved as the older ones. Someone should tell Sansa that the bitch Brienne is holding something made from her family's ancestral blade.

  3. A person relatively familiar with smithing and forging processes and techniques can spot a number of discrepencies here, but that's not my specialty and this is a fantasy story so I'll just enjoy the beautiful scene.

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