It’s my 4th Tribute / fan trailer to Game Of Thrones, I hope you will enjoy it, and don’t hesitate to bring critics or advises, thanks!
Trailer similar, give a like :
Soundtrack : Twelves Titans : Dust and Light



  1. If you are any kind of true fan of this show, you will put the word SPOILER in the title of this 'trailer' also. Your comment with the spoiler warning does NOT come up if looking at it on an iPad (only as far as I can see if you are looking at it on a laptop). I showed this to a friend recently in order to whet their appetite for the season, and was absolutely HORRIFIED as all of the massive spoilers spilled onto the screen (I was chromecasting it, and had put my iPad down too far away to be able to get back to it in time once I'd realised this was most certainly not a trailer). Thank GOD the picture on my tv fritzed towards the end just as your unforgivable spoiler of the last scene of the season came on, otherwise I would've cried – I can't believe you have included ANY kind of reference to that in a video with the word trailer in it …

  2. As big of a bust Season 5 was, this trailer is absolutely fantastic. Well done. Great choice of music by the way, loved it in the Battle of the Five Armies trailer and it is awesome here as well.

  3. Hi guys, my trailer is similar to another: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qg9FA8b2oMQ&list=FLFPW2k0OhL3oxPwmCw9VdtA
    Indeed, before making a trailer I choose the music. And when I choose music, I do a search if someone already use it.
    So I learned of this trailer AFTER choosing the music. So I tried to see if I could do better and / or differently trailer. The low quality of the other trailer and new ideas for the beginning convinced me to try. But I am aware that the second part of the trailer is very similar, and yes, it is thanks to this other trailer. Moreover, with better quality, In my opinion the other trailer is better.
    So I put you the links in the description, if you like mine, like this other trailer, thanks!
    (Sorry for the bad english)

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