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  1. Well, if Mance did care for life, he did something pretty hypocritical:  he ordered the Wildings to slaughter an entire village of farmers, including their women and small children, just to draw out the Night's Watch to fight them.  That's a lot of blood on Mance's hands,  for someone who said he wants to "stop the bleeding"…..

  2. I hate it that Ciarán Hinds won't be on the show anymore. He was a damn fine Mance Rayder and will be sorely missed. I'm glad Jon Snow showed him mercy by putting that arrow in his chest – that was a brotherly thing to do – so in character with who Jon is. Can't wait to see the rest!

  3. I call this the saddest death in GoT so far. Sadder than the Red Wedding. Not even being a hipster right now.

    Mance Rayder is one of the story's biggest heroes. Saved the lives of one hundred thousand people. Whilst everyone else is out to get power or glory or revenge, Mance thinks in terms of freedom above all else. 

    And the scene itself featured some of the show's best acting and music to date.

  4. Spoiler!

    This scene was the only one in the episode that kept to the books in some way, although it did sway quite a bit. It also seems to shut down the "fake burning of Mance" part of the books. That is interesting.
    I do think the first episode was kind of wasted tbh. Nothing really happened.

  5. damn I hate temptation, I watched the 4 leaked episodes I couldn't resist one after the other now I am a month ahead damn!!! but It didn't help having to wait so fucking long for season 5 what with the walking dead ending a few weeks back I was hungrey for this that's all I can say ho well at least me and a few work mates can have something to talk about now episode 5 is a long way away.

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