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  1. How in the world does Dany not here all these dame horse men coming yards away? I mean you could heard that horde at least a mile away?? And how the hell are they not seen when Dany was looking there direction before turning to see the first horse man on the hill, were they hiding behind the invisible forest in the valley?

  2. k I haven't read through all the comments, but, at :40 second, mark in the background something is flying. am I to assume this will be a 4th dragon to enter the picture further on down the line? I only ask because her other 2 are still locked away at this point.

  3. Mother's Mercy was fucking shit honestly I was just watching it until Cersi's walk as soon as I heard naked I fast forwarded as fast as my DVD player can go (x36) which obviously mean 3 to 4 minutes long you couldn't just did what you did with her clothes on or atleast the camera only on her face but no we had to see everything really? Fucking really.
    I haven't finished the episode nor will I.
    An episode fans will be talking about for years to come, bullshit

  4. Are the directors intentionally trying to portray Drogon as a moody rebellious teen with mommy issues? XD It certainly feels like so, guess parenting is the same whether your kids are high school kids or fire-breathing dragons…

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