All footage owned by HBO.
This video covers the top 5 scenes selected from the first 5 episodes of Season 6. Scenes were selected for emotional impact, story/character development, and sheer awesomeness.
All footage owned by HBO.
This video covers the top 5 scenes selected from the first 5 episodes of Season 6. Scenes were selected for emotional impact, story/character development, and sheer awesomeness.
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Hey, I am watching this series from here this is free
People cryin about hodor… meanwhile I don't care he died since there were many more better character who died.
can anyone please help with the torrent link to get the complete season 6
one damn thing keeps me…. how the F they escaped…. they broke Hodor so couldnt they chase them ? piece of cake….
HODOR is still the worst and best scene to watch.
ahh..!! can't wait for season 7
since no one else said it, I'll go ahead and do it…Mira is a badass…she killed a true white walker…not just the minions…you sexy bitch!!!
this brought back my anger towards my favourite character and favourite child actor!! BRAN. ugh
so Ned went from Kings landing to Dorne, unchallenged with 6 men?
imagine Arthur Dayne killed Ned instead and bought up Jon, he would of been a even better warrior.
where's part two ye Cunt
Hodor's death gets me every time.
29:23 almost cried again :´(
Hodor..Hodor..Hodor…..brilliant scene
where is part 2 bro
where is part 2
awesome just pure awesomeness
15:13 Listen to me, and you listen well…
You don't FUCK with the Mother of Dragons.
oh shit its a draugr!
The dragon scene is my fave especially when he says "I'm here to help don't eat the help"