We breakdown the preview Game of Thrones Season 6 Finale Episode 10 titled “The Winds of Winter” The episode will air Sunday June 26th at 9pm on HBO.

Arya’s List from Season 4 Episode 5:
Walder Frey
The Red Woman
Beric Dondarrion
Thoros of Myr
The Mountain
The Hound
Meryn Trent
Tywinn Lannister
Ilyn Payne

Game of Thrones Season 6: Episode #10 Preview :

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  1. This episode is the best. I have never feel so good after watching a movie or a serie. A Masterpiece.
    If you don't know Game of Thrones, watch it now, just for this season, and especially this episode. 9.99/10.

  2. a good breakdown however team happycool i feel u guys can spice it up a little by talking more. As in sounds like a lil boring coz its 18 mins breakdown n 5 mins later i was bored.
    Sorry. I would like to hear more breakdown from you bt please team its just the way you present it its boring.

  3. Sansa had to keep the Knights of the Vale a secret from John, because he would have gotten a lot of them all killed as well. She tried to warn him about Ramsay, told him Rickon was already good as dead, but it didn't click with John. Plus if Ramsay knew about the Vale, he may have just held up in Winterfell and forced them to lay siege….is it 9PM yet?!?!

  4. Theory : Loras dies (who care how), Margaery becomes the Lady of Highgarden, with all the Tyrell forces at her command. The sparrow will hope she puts that power to good use, but she will order the Tyrell's to slaughter every last Sparrow, Daenerys style.
    As long as she doesn't doesn't produce a Lannister-Tyrell heir with Tommen, she remains the heir to Highgarden after her brother Loras.

  5. cersei is not going to die. the actress has a contract for next season. she will use the valirio fire to defend herself and everybody but her in kingslanding is dying. even her son tonem will suicide. she is also a camdidate for the throne since the lanisters have some baratheon blood, although there is also a baratheon bastard, I think.

  6. Cersei is going to hold Kingslanding for ransom with her threat of blowing the city. She will probably demonstrate it to the High Sparrow by blowing up some part of the city. I think this will be her last ditch moment. Most likely it will be Qyburn's little birds who will match the light. And Qyburn's source whom he mentioned to Cersei in the 7th or 8th episode is someone who knows the true identity of High Sparrow(probably Lord of Castamere) whom Cersei might bring into court. And i hope all this high tension drama in the courtroom ends with Drogon's flyby over Kingslanding like Bran's vision.

  7. i think they should have sansa stark marry walder frey and say it's because the starks dont have an army and they need support from the freys. And when sansa and walder get married, at the reception sansa stabs walder in the neck, jon kills walder's sons, and the brotherhood without banners shoot arrows at the frey's guards and then tormund and the wildlings burst through and help kill all of the freys, with the knights of the vale killing walder frey's army.

  8. It´s highly possible that Sansa is with Child from Ramsay. But that is not only a bad thing. Dynastically, its a very big advantage. Because with a Child she has full claim of the Bolton Lands.

  9. In the books Euron has the 'Dragon Binder' which i think he gives it to Victarion. In the show Euron could have the 'Dragon Binder'. He can't just come up with an offer 1000 ships + 1 cock to bring Daenerys to her knees. As they showed that Daenerys's dragons can simply burn ships and even cocks for that matter, Euron simply can't win her over with just that. And they (tv show) can't introduce him in the show just to be outsmarted by Theon & Yara(Asha). Euron is supposed to be really cunning & ruthless. I think he will reveal his posession of the 'Dragon Binder' once Daenerys sets sail for Westeros causing further delay to her journey. As they(tv show) planned not to introduce Victarion in the show, Theon & Yara are given his role of helping Daenerys to come to Westeros. In the show if Euron does not have the 'Dragon Binder' then his role will be of lesser importance, he will simply be just a nuisance & sort of a small hurdle for Daenerys to land in Westeros. Either ways she will have to face him on her journey. She will be further delayed to join the 'final battle'. Most likely it will be the last episode of next season.

  10. I feel like Loras is totally ready to do or say anything to get him out of his imprisonment. I think he'll play along and escape death, whatever happens. Cersei and Tommen, however, and the High Sparrow….I Def think they might all die. Less than 24 hours, I can't even wait!!!!

  11. Sansa doesn't owe Little Finger a thing. Yes, he gave her away to that monster, but don't forget. She also saved Little Finger's ass after he pushed Sansa's aunt out the moon door… 😉 It is Little Finger who still owes Sansa..

  12. But Bran is still alive, right? Then why was said that Rickon was the greatest threat to Ramsey Bolton? I mean, Bran is the older brother, trueborn son. He IS the rightful Warden of Winterfell, at this point.

  13. Loras will be sentenced to death, Margery(sp) will break character, and cersei will burn King's landing to the ground. She will try to convince Tommen to leave with her, he will say no, and he will die in the fire.

  14. There's gonna be a "previously on" in Dorne and you're gonna get so excited. But then it's not gonna be the sand snakes who kill Tommen. He's gonna kill himself after (Margery dies?) and then Varys and Olena are gonna show up in Dorne to make a pact.

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