Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 3 Preview


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GOT S06E03 Title: OathBreaker

Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) meets her future. Bran meets the past. Tommen confronts the High Sparrow (Jonathan Pryce).
Arya (Maisie Williams) trains to be No One. Varys (Conleth Hill) finds an answer. Ramsay gets a gift

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Game of thrones season 6 playlist

Game of Thrones season 6 ►Episode 3 ► OathBreaker ► Tower of Joy ► Jaime Lannister ► Ned Stark ► Daenerys Targaryen ► Vaes Dothrak ► Jon Snow ► Castle Black ► Wildlings ► Winterfell ► Umbers ► Rickon Stark ► Arya ► Bran ► Cersei ► Varys

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  1. My comment on this page from 2 days ago….

    +Oberyn Martell Right. Also, didn't Osha and Rickon go to stay with Umbers after they left Bran??? I certainly hope there isn't any bad blood between the Umbers and Starks or else Osha and Rickon are screwed…

    I just wanted everyone to know that I called that shit!!

  2. Bolton betrayed him to get power.Not because of him not taking advice.Umbers are loyal to the Starks and Rob's actions earned him their respect.You talk like a complete noob with no idea of the books or show properly

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  4. Also, this episode will give a hint to Arya's fate.  "This is your last chance."  But we all know Arya doesn't give a crap about the Many Faced God, that's just a means to an end (her hit list).  She will indeed blow her last chance, eventually, and it will be Jaqen H'gar that kills her.

  5. The biggest reveal for me this episode will be if they show Ser Arthur Dayne, and his sword, Dawn (at the Tower of Joy).  If they do (and they won't) it would confirm the Ned + Ashara Dayne = Jon Snow theory.

  6. I don't like Ramsey but, Roose did tell him how his mom got married without his permission, so he killed and hung his would be dad then took his mom under his swinging body and raped her. I don't know about anyone else, but if someone did that to me and constantly reminded me that i'm a bastard, how I make mistakes and their future child would be better than me…well….

  7. Ramsey isn't pure evil at all. he's seems more brutal than others mainly because he's willing to do his own dirty work. He hasn't ordered his men to do anything that he wouldn't do himself, and that's admirable. the Lannisters, Roose, the Targaryens they've all got blood on someone else's hands. not Ramsey

  8. When Rob disrespected big John it was because he thought Rob was weak. Rob earned his respect shortly after and it was big John that named him "King of the north".

    I highly doubt that will be Rickon. There would really be no point to the story to have him there. Ramsey has no use for him, in fact he would be considered a threat. Ramsey would just quietly torture and kill him,

    I have a strong feeling that the gift is Theon. When he left Sansa asked where he was going and he replied "home". Winterfell would be considered home by both Theon and Reek. It remains to be seen if he is giving up on life amd going back to Ramsey as reek to die or if he mustered courage and is going back as Theon to get revenge for what happened to him and his adopted family.

    This idea is far fetched but it would be really awesome if the Umbers are sneaking Jon Snow into Winterfell to kill Ramsey.

    I'm pretty sure it is Theon though.

  9. I know it is fictional but if there were that many people all crammed together, living on a small desert plain like that they would not be healthy at all and they would be much more savage then depicted by these people on GOT. I'm talking skinny, denigrated and toothless.

  10. It may be a stretch…. but I think Ramsey NOT being pure evil might have been in the fact that he actually, seemingly, loved the Kennel Master's Daughter, albeit for her being just as deranged as he is, but that's just my thought on the matter any way.

  11. Ramsay obviously belongs to the more evil part of the characters. But you can (kind of?) see love in him when they kill the kennelmasters daughter.

    But that's pretty much all the good you can find in him…

  12. Robb did nothing to the Umbers. In fact, Robb asserting his command over the Greatjon wins him his strongest supporter. I fail to see how and why the Umbers would turn traitor to the Starks. If the show makes the Umbers ally themselves with the Boltons I'm gonna be freaking pissed.

  13. I think it's a fake rickon, jus like they did with fake arya.. seeing the person we will know it's not him… episode 10 we will see a grown rickon accompanied with his black direwolf looking at winterfell from a distant, beside him there will be osha and some dangerous looking northmen 😀

  14. Ramsay is not evil. It's like his father (who was fairly evil) said: he's a wild dog, and somebody will put him down. Here's hoping the Umbers are not really on the Bolton's side side, that their gift is a dagger to his heart, and they bring Rickon to instate him as lord of Winterfell.

  15. umbers sided boltons becoz the great jon is hostage in the twins…. only the whorebane with green boys are in winterfell… but not really sure if they fully supports the boltons or just a show….. i believe in the great northern conspiracy….

  16. I agree on Rickon. A lot of people are over looking that, but it is almost a sure thing. I wonder if that is who we later see flayed. Good job on getting the extended scenes! Haven't seen Sam in ages it seems. Here's hoping Ramsay dies pretty soon. He is beginning to make Joffrey look like a swell guy.

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