Let’s talk about Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 4 Review (BOOK SPOILERS).
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And how would I die? (I know I'm far too late for the give away)
80 years old drunk in bed with a hot woman's mouth on my cock?
So… Can we say that Danny's bro died from a golden shower?
nice work winter is here
Daario is a total dick. But a hot dick. That's really all that counts… right D&D?
WHOA WHOA WHOA! So in the books Dany isnt fireproof? How did she hatch her dragons in drogo pyre then??
"No Bush clause."
The way I would die, I would be a loyal servant for Daenerys, licking her boots clean no matter how dirty she got them, and remember she rides a horse, so her boots get really dirty sometimes.(horse apples) I love the intense look she gives me when she wants me to lick her boots clean, also I love the look of joy and pride she has when I am done cleaning her boots with my tounge. One day there is a terrible crime committed against Daenerys and I am accused of doing it, since I am poor, I have no defense, so for an interiaation I get strapped down on the floor face up so I can not even move an inch, then have Daenerys stand on my face with her boots. Full weight standing on my face with her boots. She would be interrogating me for the terrible crime against her that I did not commit, so when I can not answer her questions, she would start trampling my entire body, jumping and crushing every inch of me. Jumping back and forth asking me the same questions. The pain from her boots is very bad but I am tough and holding on. Then she get really mad and places a big wide board with a hole in the center over my groin area. She feeds my cock and balls through the hole in the board and starts to step on my cock and balls with her boots. The pain is too much, I cry out for mercy and all I hear is her laughing at me because how vulnerable I am under her boots. She asks me the same question again, then she takes the heel of her boot and slowly puts it on one of my balls and then stands full weight until there is a popping noise. I cry out in pain and my body tried to move but it can't so I scream out again but she steps on my face with just one boot in the center, her heel is over my mouth and the front crushing my nose and eyes.. When I stop screaming and convulsing she steps off my face, goes back to where my other ball is still trapped on top of the board and slowly starts to step on my other ball, I start to cry when she steps up with all her weight then pop goes the other one, then I can't help but scream again, and again she steps on my face with her boot to muffle my cries. After a few minutes she adjusts herself to stand on my face with both boots for the last time, my body is in shock so I don't feel anymore pain, All I see is the bottom of her boots and a little bit out the sides, I can see almost up to her ankles. Then she would start marching and jumping on my face until I was dead and a puddle of mush under her boots.
I hope you get to read this and enjoy, And since I live very far away so, May I ask what kind of boots or shoes you like to wear? Boots with a block heel and deepgrips are the best. Would you ever let a guy kiss or lick your boots? Thank you for the great reviews. Take care
19:51 Mace looks a like Las Vegas showgirl.
Golden Surprise… that sounds way naughtier than it was.
Don't… don't… beat your chest like that! I already have a hard time looking up and you have those beautiful big eyes to enjoy there… just don't!
I knew Stannis was dead for sure at the end of season 5, especially since Brienne didn't stop going on about avenging Renly's death. Whenever we get that book Stannis will probably die in the book as well.
I would have started bawling if Jon and Sansa talked about Arya.
Sir Twenty of House Goodmen.. Well done
This is my first time watching your channel and I got to say I love it, I am a massive game of thrones fan books and tv show and now a youtube channel hosted by yourself and you definatly know what your talking about games of thrones wise and who might I say your super hot with the prettiest eyes ive ever seen and have a wicked sense of humour, I'm now subscibed to your channel and look forward to your next video keep up the great work!!
meat bread F scene where lol plus bears your totally wild next level hahaha

I laugh so much when I watch ur video rawist he hehe joker come on John go and beat down on ramsay pls you know he is sick in the head he has problem got some ideas going off
I love your analysis! You've become my go-to youtube site after each GoT episode. Keep rocking the vids and I'll keep watching them!
There is only one good answer- "In my bed at the ripe old age of 80 with a belly full of wine and a whores mouth around my cock."
I'd be the main character from In The House of the Worm, a crazy dude to yells about how the white walkers are coming.
Please post more often!
what the hell man ?? whats taking so long with your new review ! people are going to start looking elsewhere.
I'd probably die like Ned Stark did.
I probably wouldn't be important enough to be executed by the King, but I'm sure somehow I'd try to do the right thing and it would end up getting me killed.
I know most people say Ned Stark died because he chose the love of his family over honour, but if you ask me he was dead as soon as he was arrested.
Just like there was no way that Robert was coming back from that hunt, there was no way that Ned was getting out of that cell.
If he didn't do the fake confession he would have just died some other way.
finally a woman that you can look at and listen too
+Rawrist where are you now that I need you!?
I would be one of those poor suckers that died because it suited some douchebag's agenda. Like Micah, or the Winterfell farm boys or the Barratheon bastards.
Leaf getting torn apart with the Zombies/Walkers moving at 2x speed, Children looked "darker" when they made the first Knights King and scenes with Children grenades were all weak.
I just googled boobies and hit images….wow! you were right.
you see one pair of boobs you seem them all lol jk.
here's a fun experiment you can do: take a bunch of psychologically damaged kids, the kinds of kids who's dads sings them gently to sleep at night and then wakes them up and fucks them in the ass while their mother claps to the rythm. take some deranged kids like thatand put them in a big old rusty warehouse and put them in little cells they can't even lie down to sleep. release some schizophrenic, sadistic, pedophile circus clowns into the warehouse, so the kids kids will suffer even worse abuse than when they already came in (and they should have been pretty fucked up to begin with!) after you're all done with that, we finally have the conditions for the experiment ready.
then after months and months of this terrible torture, you bring all the kids into a classroom with desks for each of them. give each kid one black felt marker and one white ping pong ball and have them write whatever word they want on the ball. remember, they've grown up under the most horrible conditions and this is the first time they're able to express themselves, the first time they get to express a reaction to their unimaginably traumatizing experiences. gather up all the ping pong balls and put them in one of those lottery ball machines that ensures a completely random selection of balls. write down each word appearing on the balls in the completely random order decided by the machine.
what you will end up with is a detailed and dark description of how i'd like to die in game of thrones.
Does the greyscale affect Jorah's stamina? I was under the impression that his age is showing, not his sickness.
Drinking wine during a review? I'm trying to figure out why i don't have a glass while watching!
I think Tyrion sees that they had been slowly losing the fight. When Danny shows up with the whole of the Dorthraki behind her he could be on board for crushing them.
To be fair to Davos Melisandre shows up literally the night Jon gets killed. As far as Davos knew at that point Stannis had sent Melisandre away from the fight as he had done before. Davos didn't know of Stannis' defeat yet. It seemed to me that the scene where Mel calls Jon the Prince that was promised, and Davos wonders about Stannis is directly before he's coming up behind her asking what happened to Stannis. I've noticed that the order they show scenes isn't strictly chronological. That is to say one scene may move a story line up a couple of weeks, While another storyline may have two scenes that only cover a couple of hours. Ideally this would spread out equally over the series for all the plots, but it's probably best not to try and make it fit exactly.
Oh man What an eps 5. Waiting impatiently for Rawrist to pick herself up, and after a fortifying slug of wine telling us what she thinks.
You are fucking hot, come and see.
You look delicious in that shirt, come and see.
I love redheads, come and see.
Very off topic but where is the best place to start the Star Wars comics ?
i love the way you say FUCK mmmm
hi have u been 2 California?
Doesn't Small Jon Umber giving Ramsey "gifts" remind you of the Manderly plot? No oaths, no vows but gifts? That means Ramsey is not safe, correct?
Dear Rawrist
I love seeing your videos. I love the integrity and admiration you have to do this. I am trying the best I can to get noticed by people and get myself out there because I want people to see me for me. I was bullied a lot by "friends" as so I called them. In part in why Im doing this is to show they didn't win. I also wanted to impress my mom and have her proud of me. I always want her approval of what I do and sometimes what I do isn't enough for her. I really want her and my dad to be proud of me, and not watch me sit behind a desk filing paper work or something of that nature. You are a major inspiration to this generation and we all love and support you. Hope to see more of you in the future.
i would die holding the door. fml
I'd probably be a noble steward of the house Janitor. After another long day of mopping the steps at the Great Sept of Baelor, standing at the top, I'd take pride in my hard work just before slipping on the wet stairs and falling down the slippery escalier, breaking my neck, and dying instantly.
A Janitor always mops his steps.
nobody perked up at the reveal of Jorah's greyscale to Daario? anyone see that…going…anywhere? no one.
If I was in the Game of Thrones universe, I would die because I was trampled by a Unicorn. AKA a wooly rhinoceros.
My death: I will get a heart attack while making love to daenerys..
I love your videos. I need to get a glass of wine for todays new episode. What software do you use for editing your video?
Anyways as a member of the Nights Watch in Korea these keep me up to date. I was thinking you should do a book reading video if George R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Martin finishes his book. Hopefully he dies and let his editors finish the series.
I think Ramsey will get fed to his hounds by Theon.
I noticed that both Ramsey and Theon were eating apples when OSHA seduces them.