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  1. For me it's the best episode by far. The ending is simply epic and Hodor… I already miss you. Like every weeks, I have watched the episode two times, and two times I swear that I nearly cried. Actually, it was very hard to avoid the tears to run on my face. I have never been moved by Game of Thrones like that before, even during the red wedding… OMG

    Continue to hold the door, you're the best !! ;__;

  2. I feel like I´m the only one here who really likes Petyr Baelish. I know that he is kind of a bastard but in a way he is a genius. Of course it wasn´t good at all what he did to Sansa in season 5 but he´s just awesome 😀 I mean, he and Varys are those, who have the most power in Westeros. And by the way: it´s way different in the books. 😉

    Apologies for my English

  3. GRRM you are a genius. All of my friends and I thought for sure Hodor was kicked in the head by a horse being the stable masters son. Only GRRM could turn the biggest joke in GoT into the most heart wrenching moment in these books/show. That scene chilled me to the bone and kept me in a more despairing bittersweet silence than watching the red wedding or the mutiny against jon. Bravo, just bravo.

  4. my two cent hodor should have at least died a warriors death instead of bran the bitch messing his life up one final time this is the first time I've been truly disappointed with an episode all I can say is this better be integral to the story somehow otherwise I'm seriously unimpressed

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