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watch it via screenvariety
is 0:06 Benjen Stark coming to save Bran and Meera?
Is that Coldhands saving Bran and Meera from the White walkers at 0:05?
Amazing trailer!!

I just noticed the shadow of TWO dragons coming upon the Khalasar to Daenaris at 0:13! Makes sense now that Tyrion has released them!
Jon: I'm back bitches
Remeber Dorne, yeah? Fuck that place!
I wish the women in red would stop taking her clothing off…….NOT!
me while watching this: "yes, okay. murder yes. good. okay. dragon-
oh, bran got kinda hot!"
Melisandre's . waittttttttttt you have 90 years , you troll me…
Game For Hoes..
Game Of Hoes…
Game Of Thrones….
It's a good thing you're not a boy any more… because you have no cock.
I died!
Hmmm, was an "ok" opening episode…
0:17 look on right side O.O
best 30 seconds ever
Im one of those people that are EXTREMELY upset at how the show is going away from
I want to enjoy the show but I'm still pissed
Is it us time or uk time?
Save a banana !
Omg its so fucking close!!!
Less than 5 hours to go, it's like I can almost feel it!!
I just want ONE thing on this season: Jon Snow being resurrected by Melisandre's powerful Red Pussy.
Can't wait!!!!!
Rip 3rd last stark family member aka you're a wizard bran.
spoilers jon snow finds out what the others are about to do to him so he gets a fellow nights watch crow who looks like nicholas to pose as jon snow while he hids under a dumpster
Optimum is not letting its customers watch the free HBO weekend! So I can't watch it until Monday now. Grrrrrrrr! :-/
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Is Khal Drago back from the dead ? 0:12
Meh, I wonder how long it will take for Martin to finish and have the book released. So far almost every change in the show in comparison with the book has been an epic fail. There were logical fallacy galore, if nothing else. I believe that I will skip the show, as much as it is tempting to see the potential outcome of the book's story. I just need to unsub…
if you want to buy nice GoT T-shirt on Etsy:
Easiest wank ever
Start the show Before I piss my self!!!