Game of Thrones Season 6 Trailer 2016 | game of thrones staffel 6 offizieller trailer #1 US
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Game of Thrones Season 6 Official Trailer Courtesy of HBO. All Rights Reserved, Promotional Use Only.
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Far Cry Primal:
That targaryan flag with the dothraki talking was such a let down. He didn't sound threatening in the show like he did in this promo and nothing even happened with his character other than die a stupid death.
Khal Moro, Ramsay and the High Sparrow. The 3 current enemies of each house.
Khal moro got bruned. Ramsay will get his ass eaten by jon snow soon. And i'm sure cersei will deal with HS as well.
Yi vo sake , ya rakma haka sonyiri , khaleesi Fo Si .
F**k this is like a trailer of flags
Kings' Landing will fall. House Lannister will fall!
Deaners Targeryen Is Dead becaus Film Actors is Tayein lannister
Does anybody else thinks that the series itself (book and HBO) would end with the white walkers winning, that there is no happy ending. From what I'm seeing the story is going backwards but forwards – from where a time of heroes rose and all the shot that happens after to now (where we are in the story) to a time where hero's are disappearing……… to a time/era of internal darkness.
My Fan Art Fore Sale: Jon Snow – Ghost Drawing
–>, Stark and Lannister. "New houses trailer"??
My nephews in this season!!!!!!!!
Hearing the dothraki in the beginning gave me chills.
teasers together and you call this the trailer. fool…
TEASER is TEASER, not teaser trailer, learn better the language.
that moment when the ad before the video is also the trailer for game thrones season 6 lol
A man awaits
High sparrow one is best.
So let me get this straight, the current houses like Starks will fall because there are new houses like the Boltons, the Lannisters will fall because of High Sparrow and his servants, Targaryen will fall because of dothraki
eyer kuzey geri dönerse çoooook sevinirim
walking dead is better
"I know let's put annoying banners in front of the trailer obstructing the viewers vision"
Daeneyres is fucked…
Sounds like he's saying "You all suck." at the very beginning.
High Sparrow making moves..interesting
fucking cunt adverts ruined this. Drogo's subtitles were replaced by the words "How will Samsung change your life?" and for a moment I thought that's what he was saying.
omg this is amazing

Whens season 6 starting???
Dothraki is sooo awesome to hear again
Anything can happen…maybe fairly decent writers are just fooling every idiot who thinks they have an idea
First one gives me the chills! Ahhh
Season 6 trailer? It's just fucking flags and speech from the previous season..