Game of thrones season 6 | R+L=J | Will Jon Snow’s parents get revealed?


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A discussion on the popular fan theory R+L=J, and ever since Tower of Joy scene was filmed last year, it is highly anticipated that Jon Snow’s real parents will be revealed in season 6

Game Of Thrones Season 6 | Jon Snow predictions

Game of thrones season 6 | Inside GOT Teasers Breakdown

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Game Of Thrones Season 6 ► R+L=J ► Jon Snow’s parents ► Ned Stark ► Rhaegar Targaryen ► Lyanna Stark ► Wyalla ► Tower of Joy ► Jon Targaryen

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  1. Love how you explain the circumstances surrounding R and L and J. I believe R and L's story is inspired by The Iliad as GRRM's work is influenced by historical events and classic literature.

  2. Holy crap, what a great vid, you could never guess, but all of their dialogue, Ned especially, he's been protecting that secret all his life. Even being "spoiled" by learning the R+J theory, it's fun to pick up on those little cues. Looking forward to finding out the truth this Sunday!

  3. Sometimes I think Wylla is made up. The only scene that supports her being real is Eddard Dayne telling Ayra that I remember, when he said that said they were milk brothers, but little Ed could have been lied too.

  4. You know what's scary? Even if this theory is true (and it probably is), George RR Martin will change the storyline, dismiss everything about it and make it clear in the next season that Jon Snow is GONE forever. Just to make us suffer…

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