Heya guys! Still waiting to uploading best of S6 reactions, all s6 skits compiled into 1, and a reupload of Dance with Dragons reaction that got taken down! Thanks for watching hope you enjoy!
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I like how my favorite skit was the one you guys almost didn't post lol
I fuckin love you guys
The Normies, you are the best!
you people are so funny to watch your reactions. I hope GOT S7 will be more fun to watch your reaction…….
That was hillarious. Marketas is very convincing. Best are Micky and Suraj as Varis and Littlefinger! Love the Voice acting.
Can't wait to see S7 skits.
You should react to RIVERDALE
Y'all are almost at 100k I'm so proud
i wanna b part of your crew!!!!
They should react to the season 3 Rick & Morty trailer
needs to be longer
Does anyone else want a video of JUST the sketches so you can watch them all at once?
hey normies..
can you please react to superwoman..
she recently uploaded
"Why I could never be on game of thrones"
"if jon snow made a rap diss track"
"if khaleesi made a rap diss track"
"if cersei lannister made a rap diss track"
Why does Suraj as Little Finger do it for me? Like damn bro
Well Suraj just does it for me in general but that's besides the point…I mean like more than usual lol
"Suraj isn't gay…this is his girlfriend….until he admits it"
NOOooOooOoOoO0oO…. WHYYYY?! :-O lmao
I'm still holding onto the sliver of hope I have left ;-p
WHere's the American Gods
The Normies are like a millenial multicultural version of Friends. The question is, who is Joey?
I love how you guys work hard for this channel, going beyond by doing skits and spending time on it, and having fun in the process, may you guys and gals have more success.
also Mickey does look like Pablo Escobar
Lol at Suraj looking like Oberyn by accident
Love this. Making me more hyped for suuuuunday!!!
"we will see you for game of thrones this sunday" THIS FUCKING SUNDAY CAN YOU BELIEVE IT
Oh come on Chris, they look exactly like Varys and Littlefinger! Micky with that stocking cap