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  1. maybe myrcella, to heal the country jon snow/aegon is force to marry her to bring the lannister in to fight against white walkers. that be huge twist. stannis would hate it and want to kill all the lannister. but jon snow is for peace and all the living fighting the white walkers and dead. plus she myrcella would be the younger queen that take all form her mom. cersei would be threat by her and jamie or tryion would be force to stop her and end up killing her.

  2. Get ready for this. This is real, watch. Whites attack the big weirwood Hodor gets wargged but then over takes Bran and gets cured. Bran then has to go into a bunch of mammoths, dire wolves and giant spiders while they flee. They make their way South where Stannis the mannis has already overtaken winter fell. Jon goes into crypts and awakens three dragons by sacrificing himself. Which Bran is then able to warg one, Hodor rides one and Shireen the last. After they defeat the whites, Hodor wins the seven kingdoms with Dany on his side. Bran and Shireen then set off to Skagos to find Rickon and ride unicorns. The end. Phew! Where my disks homie. George take a break I got this.

  3. What about baby Aegon? In the books he is alive (if that's actually Aegon Targaryen not Blackfyre) but on the show he is dead. He is being groomed for rule in the books. Jon Connington (i hope i got that name right) is supposed to be helping him to regain the throne. He and Dany can't both be on the throne unless they marry (although the King would be dominant per Westerosi law). Do you think its likely a plot twist could happen with that storyline from the books?

  4. I read the books a while ago and I'm a bit unclear about who the "traitors" inside Winterfell are exactly and what the deal is about the secret tunnels .  Are they Manderley people or just part of Stannis' group?  It seems like someone is searching for something, an object, a grave or maybe just a secret way in and out of Winterfell.  Also, I didn't get the sense in the book that Mance was angry with Jon.  But the tone of the "pink letter" seems pretty hostile.  If it was Mance that sent it, why would he all of a sudden be upset with Jon.  I could see him being upset with Stannis or Melisandre, but the letter felt more personal than that.  If he was angry with Jon, why would he have agreed to the mission in the first place?

  5. Jeyne Westerling is carrying Robb's baby. And btw, that was not the real Jeyne Westerling that was handed over to Jamie Lannister. BOOM!!! There's your heir to Winterfell right there.


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