Lucy dissects the biggest Game of Thrones fan theories in preparation for season seven. Who is Azor Ahai? Will this be the end of Littlefinger? And will we ever see Gendry again? Spoiler warning!
Lucy dissects the biggest Game of Thrones fan theories in preparation for season seven. Who is Azor Ahai? Will this be the end of Littlefinger? And will we ever see Gendry again? Spoiler warning!
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Which fan theories are you totally invested in? Jaime as Azor Ahai has got to be too good to be true… Right?
Make Valyrian steel sword??? Are you kidding me?? They are forged in dragon fire… You cannot just make Valyrian steel sword.
Cersei is not mad at all. She knows exactly what she's doing and why and she does it well. She is not running around yelling "burn them all" for no reason. She's merely ruthless.
Don't confuse this with your morals.
Since Cercei quote in season 1," Sansa is the daughter of a traitor, who knows what treason she will hatch in 10 years". Sansa will be the 1 who end game traps Cercei in a final loss. I highly doubt she will kill her.. though i'm pretty sure she will have a huge hand in it
What maggie said wasnt prophecy, it was a curse.
The quorik blacksmiths still know how to work valerian steel. A maestro went there to try to learn the secrets and he was tortured. They use blood magic to work valyrian steel.
The dragon binder theory isn't the books, you bind the dragon binder to you by claiming it with blood. Victarion claims it by bleeding himself n rubbing his blood on it while chanting that it's his.
Well done! Really interesting theories.
Please remember Jaime pushed Bran from the tower. He is no Hero. Losing a hand is not enough for redemption. Please say "twitter" more often.
White walkers will just go around the wall and march through frozen sea* (you can see frozen sea in intro). It would explain why they are waiting. But on the other side, they could march through sea floor anytime, it's not like they need air to breath or they would consider it too dangerous…
I was expecting Denerys/ Snow marriage or something, many people hype for this. But she is his aunt, it does not matter much in GOT though.
Also I hate that time loop, world even with magic cannot work like that. There is no cause for loop to happen- in original timeline if Hodor would not be Hodor, he would get that little shit before white walkers would get into cave… (if I recall that scene correctly) Even if not, the only reason why Bran had to mind control Hodor was that he was freaking out because he was Hodor. No Hodor leads to no cause for Hodor, and whole loop have no point.
*not my hypothesis, I seen it on 9gag…
It's not tyrion's hands that'll kill cersei, it's Jaime's.
Honestly these fan theories are full of false premises–mostly that Martin is going to end this like some ordinary epic fantasy. HA!
It bears repeating that Maggie the Frog said "the volonquar" not YOUR "volonquar." Now consider all the younger brothers–the Hound, Theon, Euron, Bran, maybe even Bron or Ser Davos for all we know.
And Maggie said simply "another younger and more beautiful" who will take everything from Cersei. I think perhaps this is Brienne, who will help take away Cersei's crown as well as having already taken Jaime. Because the prophecy said "beautiful" not "pretty." And Brienne as a person is very beautiful, just not her face.
your english akzent is bullshit
I will show you lightbringer my lady. All you must do is bend thy knees.
It's so nice to listen to you! Instant sub.
How did we find out whose jon father was i musta missed lyanna say the fathers name?
It's not even sure if Dragonbinder works. Not even in the books.
I think it just might be that Sansa is the young queen to take everything away from Cersei and I hope Jamie is the one to strangle her in the end. Not that I hate her, I'm on the brink of rooting for her, but you know…prophecy is prophecy.
I love
that theory on Jaime being the valenqor and azor ahai and I remember when he was with his son Joffrey talking about the legends of the kings guard and the book
it's all written in. They made a point to torment Jaime about his lack of accomplishments and talking about his new accessory the golden hand
it would be pretty amazing if in that book it reads once an oath breaker now an oath keeper 
within the first 3 seconds had to stop the video with someone singing backstreet boys as an intro. not catchy and honestly plan annoying.
My mind is racing now…!
Idk I kinda just feel like Jaime is fucked as a character… he doesn't really have anywhere to go if he kills cersei and that makes me sad because hes now one of my favorite characters.
Younger and more beautiful woman….could be Sansa since shes Queen of the North now and looks like shes getting into the game of thrones
I think Sansa will turn against Jon.
The night king was waiting for the sea next to the wall to freeze over so he can just go around it.
What do you think the chances are of Euron marrying Cersei and then tricking her into blowing it? Euron is Baelon's little brother. The Valonqar doesn't necessarily have to be Cersei's brother, right?
Jk, I don't think Euron is going to kill Cersei. I'm hoping it's Jamie, really. And I want desperately for Sansa to kill Littlefinger.
"Keep those three eyes peeled here, Ravens…" is how that line should've been written and said by the host at the beginning of this clip. Don't go peel ravens folks, that's just demented and kinda cruel.
If High Valyrian doesn't differentiate gender ( the prince can be a princess) , then the valonquar doesn't mean brother but sibling. It just happens that she has 2 brothers
what's the music at 0:24?
I think the horn will be blown by the night king, he's practically immortal. AND there's a dragon with a blue eye in one of the teasers. Either he will sound the horn to attract one of the dragons, like drogon. Or it will be wounded and taken to the night king.
the theory about Jaime being Lightbringer based on the names being mixed up is exellent.
I personally think it will be Bran, Daenerys and Jon Snow together. Let's go back to episode 1 season 2 when the red comet is flying in the sky. The beginning of the prophecy states "when the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, azor ahai shall be born again…". In the show, this bleeding star only shows for three characters in the series: Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen and Bran Stark. When you think about how intentional the writers are with their scenes, it must be a hint to show how these three characters will be the biggest players in the war for the dawn. It could also have shown them to be the three dragon riders. Daenerys obviously, Jon Snow can be one due to his Targaryen blood, and Bran Stark, i believe, will either ride the dragon or warg into the dragon. He is told that he will never walk again, but he will "fly", and I don't think it was a reference to ravens, I think this might be a reference to dragons.
So cringe intro