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Here's my Game Of Thrones Direwolves video. A long-time GRRM tease just paid off it's way more important than the tv show let on. Posting more GOT before Episode 3 airs, so leave all your requests in the comments! new Marvel/DC tomorrow
Jon the future leader of Golden Company? Most honorable man in Westeros and a Targaryen.
At some point, ı wait robb stark again with a dire wolf head instead of his head.
Whoa… So Ghost is white… Targaryens usually have white hair… Jon is actually a Targaryen…… Shoulda made that connection earlier!
Nymeria has the "super pack"…As Nymeria leads her pack, so too will Arya lead her pack…the Faceless Men
I honestly we won't be seeing the wolves again. Sadly.
The fact that arya remembers nymeria means that the theory about the waif being arya is false
They're making so much money off of the show and they still say that it's too expensive to CGI dire wolves da fuq
Maybe. Just maybe. When the wolfs bite a white walker they shatter just like with the swords?
arya is bakaa
Thank you for a good explanation. But I think there is one other factor, D&D can't write the mystical side of ASOIAF. They appreciate the creativity of Martin to weave magic into this world and the characters, but they lack the creativity to continue this aspect of the story. Therefore they minimize it and use budget as an excuse. The backbone of this story is the expansion of magic after the birth of the dragons and how it affects this world.
So this just completely blows out that stupid theory about arya dead because the wolf noticed her and the waif wouldn't know what she said in season 1 so that's really arya
what's up it's nik from NNN! i'm so glad you make GOT theory videos, just wanted to say that
Almost all the stark children have dire wolves
sansas is dead
remember season 1
The killing of the dire wolves has greatly upset me as well. In the books they were so important and almost every Stark could connect to their wolf in their dreams. The fact that the show just started killing them off made me almost stop watching, and in such weak ways too. I mean, there are dragons in the show, is it really that much further a stretch of the imagination to accept giant wolves? I can't wait for the next book, I love them so, so much more than the show.
Heard the reason for Direwolves not being prevalent is because of CGI costs.
I just noticed the white dire wolf hinted of Jon Snow being a Targaryan.
here is my theory (about nymeria and her pack):
now that season 7 is over and the great wall is down,
i think it's possible that nymeria and her pack could save or help tormund and beric (and other survivors), if they are still alive..
i'm pretty sure that if they somehow managed to escape/survive the destruction of the great wall, they will be in a great need of help when the wights surround them..
what? Where ghost is? Didnt he die whenever to save Jon or such?
Arya: come with me girl
Nymeria: no budget, sorry lol
Imagine if they showed ghost as a wight and the night king shows him to Jon, no choice for the night king to just stand there
Wth are you talking about bro? Jon Snow knows he's a warg in the books.
Problem is the wolves can be turned if they die
pretty sure the reason they haven't included Ghost in this season is because the arctic wolf who played him died before they finished filming.
Season 8! Isn't season 7 the last season?
Jon wargs alot in the books tho, just sayin. AND he's aware of it too, a wildling tells him