Hosts discuss Game of Thrones for the episode “Stormborn.”
AFTERBUZZ TV — Game of Thrones edition, is a weekly “after show” for fans of HBO’s Game of Thrones. In this episode hosts Kristen Snyder, Ryan Malaty, Sara Stretton, and Kyle Maddock discuss season 7’s episode 2.

Game of Thrones is an American fantasy drama television series created by showrunners David Benioff and D. B. Weiss.

Game of Thrones roughly follows the storylines set out in A Song of Ice and Fire, set in the fictional Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. The series chronicles the violent dynastic struggles among the realm’s noble families for control of the Iron Throne. As the series opens, additional threats emerge in the icy North and in the eastern continent of Essos. The first season is a faithful adaptation of the novel. Later seasons, however, began to diverge with significant changes. According to David Benioff, the show is “about adapting the series as a whole and following the map George laid out for us and hitting the major milestones, but not necessarily each of the stops along the way.”

The novels and their adaptation derive aspects of their settings, characters, and plot from various events of European history. A principal inspiration for the novels is the English Wars of the Roses (1455–85) between the houses of Lancaster and York, reflected in Martin’s houses of Lannister and Stark. Most of Westeros is reminiscent of High Medieval Western Europe, with its castles and knightly tournaments. The scheming Cersei, for instance, calls to mind Isabella, the “she-wolf of France” (1295–1358). She and her family inspired Martin, as depicted in Maurice Druon’s historical novel series The Accursed Kings, in particular. Other historical inspirations for elements of the series include Hadrian’s Wall (which became Martin’s great Wall), the legend of Atlantis (ancient Valyria), Byzantine “Greek fire” (“wildfire”), Icelandic sagas of the Viking Age (the Ironborn), the Mongol hordes (the Dothraki), and elements from the Hundred Years’ War (1337–1453) and the Italian Renaissance (c. 1400–1500). The series’ great popularity has been attributed in part to Martin’s skill at fusing these disparate elements into a seamless whole that appears credible on its own terms as an alternative history.

“The Sopranos in Middle-earth” is the tagline that showrunner David Benioff jokingly suggested for Game of Thrones, referring to its intrigue-filled plot and dark tone combined with a fantasy setting that incorporates some magic and dragons. In a 2012 study of deaths per episode, the series was listed second out of 40 recent U.S. TV drama series, with an average of 14 deaths per episode.

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With over 20 million weekly downloads from over 150 countries, AfterBuzz TV is an online broadcast network created by E! host Maria Menounos and producer Keven Undergaro. Nicknamed the ‘after-show’ network, when viewers finish watching episodes of their favorite shows, they can go to to watch or listen to a post-game ‘after-show’ for that series. On each AfterBuzz TV after-show an eclectic and knowledgeable mix of celebrities, personalities and industry professionals break down that night’s episode, take calls from fans and interview guests. The network produces over 60 after-shows per week. The network also produces “Spotlight On”, an in depth, long-form interview series with stars and show runners. AfterBuzz TV had guests from shows like Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Glee, The Walking Dead, Homeland, Big Brother, Survivor, The Fosters, The Bachelor, Teen Wolf, Orange Is The New Black. Notable celebs include Stone Cold, Weird Al, Mel B, Seth Green and others.



  1. Melisandre followers everyone
    Her Lord Commander and
    have sex with that person,
    but Jon was only one who
    turns her down, I'm not saying
    He's not tempted by her beauty,
    after all he is guy, but He was
    smart enough to turn her
    down for sex, with out her neglects, let's just say She not pretty with out it…😂lol

  2. Jon handled Littlefinger perfectly. Littlefinger tried to play on his conscious with the army of the Vale helping them, that is how Littlefinger works, he does a favor and he expects something in return. Jon just completely shut him down. That was actually the right move.

  3. When Allarya was caught and said kill us now the soldier shook his head no. He can't speak he has no tongue.Something that triggered Theon was the crew cutting off ears and tongues.

  4. That Littlefinger quote from season one is being taken way too much out of context. What he said was "distrusting me was the smartest thing you did since you climbed down your horse" which is a general point about being skeptical towards strangers being a virtue. He wasn't outright saying "I'm going to betray you, don't trust me". And to Ned his actions supposedly proved that he can trusted.

    He was wrong in the end, sure. But his trust earlier wasn't uncalled for.

  5. Everyone is assuming Grey Worm has nothing down below, but this was never established. There was a discussion between Missandei and Dany after Grey Worm showed some interest in the river.  Dany asked if the masters took, "both pillar and stone" and Missandei said she didn't know. Only Varys said everything was taken when he was cut by the wizard.  The unsullied may have been only "gelded", leaving Grey Worm all the equipment he needs.  He can't reproduce but everything  remaining still works. He'd have diminished sex drive because of low testosterone levels  but with how Missandei looks, how much sex drive do you need?

  6. i started having a big feeling of uneasiness when they introduced that giant crossbow….cause your right…who says they only have one? and kudos to samwell tarley…sam a coward? bullshit! that was a highly courageous thing he did and i hope he doesnt get greyscale

  7. 22:50 The one eviscerated by her own spear: Obara Sand
    The one hanging from her own whip: Nymeria Sand

    Euron will give Ellaria Sand to Cersei as "the gift", as she's the one who murdered Myrcella.

    Yara is taken captive, but we'll have to wait and see what he does with her.

    Perhaps, still rowing, Gendry spots Theon floating about and takes him to shore somewhere. 😉

  8. Everyone thinks Arya should go south to assassinate Cersei. But don't we know that won't happen because of the prophecy that Cersei received when she was little? One of her brothers will be the one to kill her.

  9. Kyle reminds me of Cpt America in this episode of Afterbuzz…"Language!" I love the show, love the cast but this airs at 10P after the show at 9P that's rated TV-MA so not sure I get the whole, "OK, we don't need to talk about all that…" If Afterbuzz wants to keep it PG, then 1) stop cursing, 2) put Kristen's cleavage and side boob away and 3) tell Ryan to hold off on the wine for an hour. Me personally, I'd like to see more of all three but I get the vibe they're trying to keep this late night recap of an adult cable series kid friendly.

  10. Yara and Allaria are DONE with a capital D. Cercei is not using any of them as barganing chips. This is the final war there are no negotiations at this point IMO. So IMO Allaria's 1 left daughter will IMO suffer some horrible fate in front of Allaria.

  11. Olenna Tyrell's forces will lose on the battlefield to the newly formed Lannister coalition. This occurs Largely due to a combination of unanticipated factors that include the betrayal of Randyll Tarly who ends us siding with the Lannisters. Also, Jamie Lannister turns out to be an exceptional war-time general and Ser Bronn becomes a great battle commander in his own right.

    After the epic battle, Jamie meets with Olenna who is now effectively a prisoner of war. She confronts Jamie with no fear in her voice and in her classic "queen of thorns" terse style, she confesses to having been responsible for the murder of Joffrey. She then consumes a vile containing poison and peacefully passes away before Jaime is able to inflict his fatherly vengeance.

    Your Welcome,

    Spoiler Ninja

  12. I think the main theme of this episode is the reversal of fortune regarding Dani's conquest. Tyrion's plan was to have the Tyrell's and the Dornish lay siege to King's Landing with the Yarra's navy providing the logistics. Euron destroyed the navy as well as the Dornish force and Jamie is going to turn the Tyrell's with the Tarley guy. Dani's overwhelming supremacy is neutralized. You could even argue that she is going to be on the defensive and possibly in retreat from Cersei's new alliance. Dani's might need the North Even More than they need her. This may also strain the Dani Tyrion relationship as Tyrion's plan has been a miserable failure.

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