Watch a clip of Sansa and Bran’s reunion in Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 3. Game of Thrones airs on HBO on Sundays at 9



  1. I think Bran is damaged to be honest on why he's like so calm and not having any emotions. After what he saw in the past about his Starks family history and losing Hordor and the grand master of Winterfell.

  2. Lol Bran is acting really strange in this season. Is he high or something.

    Bran is cool and I love his dark power when he possess a person.

    Sansa is like um I'm going inside you just creeped the hell out of me Bran lol.

    He's very useful when he used the Black Eyed Raven to spot White Wakers beyond the wall.

  3. I don't know why people are complaining about this scene bran telling that to Sansa is him telling her that he knows what she's been through and that he's sorry for her and how it's a tragedy that it happened here on her wedding day the day that he knows that she's been looking forward to for most of her life

  4. "The Three Eyed Raven told me."
    "I thought you were the Three Eyed Raven?"
    "I am, but I only became the Three Eyed Raven after the previous Three Eyed Raven, who was an old man and literally ancient, was killed by the Night's King who's by the way really REALLY close so we might want to hurry up a bit with preparations for the Long Night."
    "Oh okay, that clarifies quite a lot actually."


  5. Bran is such dick. His sister was so happy to meet him again, they were separated for so long time, he was growing thre. And now he seems just don't give a single fuck about his home and familly.

  6. I don't think Sansa will die. Tyrion said that she would outlast them all. Plus the prophecy is that she will sit on the Iron Throne next to her husband. I think she and Jon will rule together. Also GRM said that 4 Starks would make it to the end. So that would be Arya, Bran, Jon (who is art Stark) and Sansa. I think the perfect poetic justice would be the great war that started over the never ending love of a handsome Targayen Prince for a beautiful Stark Princess would end for the same reason. Jon & Sansa together would be the perfect team to rule the 7 Kingdoms. John knows how to fight and inspire. Sansa is greatly skilled at the political intrigue and how to win and keep surviving and thriving in the complicated and dangerous GOT.

  7. You have to feel sorry for the kid. He has access to unlimited porn, but is unable to get any. It's like reading a cookbook and salivating over the food but not being able to cook anything.

    It explains a lot about him.

  8. this might sound stupid but I need an answer, how does seeing the past and foreseeing the future makes of him a great wizard that can stand against white walkers and ennemies in war? don't get me wrong,knoweldge is a great weapon but I'm wondering how can that be used in the upcoming wars? do greenseeiers have anyother powers than just seeing?

  9. Bran meets:

    Sansa – "Raped"
    Jaime – "You fuck your sister"
    Cersei – "You fuck brother, also poop on your face"
    Jon – "Sex in cave"
    Dany – "Raped at multiple multiple occasions"
    Missandei – "Sucked a cockless cock"
    Grey worm – "No cock dude"
    Tyrion – "Must be tough, your lover sexing your father"
    Jorah – "Dany has fucked so many guys. Should I list them all?"

    "Why does everyone run from me? I only want to talk"

  10. bran did mention that his visions and memories are all fragments. So when he mention the white dress I think he was referring that she had to marry to a psychopath but unaware of the rape that transpire after. When he had more controlled of his powr I'm sure he will be but more cautious on his words next time to sansa

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