The Spoils Of War was stuffed full of throwbacks and Easter Eggs. Here’s all the important ones you missed! Beware of spoilers!

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  1. Story-wise, there's no parallel between Brandon and Jamie. Jamie will make it back to King's Landing safe and sound, whereas, Brandon Stark shall never walk again.

  2. Hmmm. You missed something. During the Battle of the Bastards, Jon is charging on his horse when it is struck down from under him, and then we see him in one shot, dodging horses and fighting men in the midst of battle. Same thing happened with Bronn when he was charging towards the Scorpion Ballista, and he too had his horse struck down from under him, and there was a long shot of him dodging horses and fighting men. Does this mean something? Is Bronn somehow connected to Jon Snow in a way? It was mention that Bronn was north of the wall at one time. Was he a Wilding? Was he serving the Night Watch? People say he might be related to Edd, since they both look similar.

  3. someone said Jon snow drew the cave drawings himself and this theory is the funniest shit I've ever heard. like he asked for crafting supplies and went into the cave and no one questioned it LOL

  4. You guys missed one. The ending is what happen to Robert Baratheon. "He came running at me, the dumb high-born lad, thinking he could end the rebellion with a single swing of his sword. I knocked him down with the hammer. Gods, I was strong then. Caved in his breastplate. Probably shattered every rib he had. Stood over him, hammer in the air. Right before I brought it down he shouted, "Wait! Wait". "

  5. Lucy is very obviously against Dany. Lol I'm team Dany. She doesn't know the seriousness of this all and hasn't really seen proof per say. I can totally see Jon's way of thinking as well though. Both are fighting for good causes and are kind of just feeling each other out so to speak. They will come together in the end I bet. Not in just an intimate way either…sickos

  6. The first review of the episode was more like what they just felt about it and not much of the information or history. Reason why they added this video, I remember the show being very informative that didn't need another 2nd video for a single episode. The only thing I remembered from the first video for this episode was Tamoor's issue with eyebrows. They may have watched New Rock Star's video to get more information.

  7. Jamie falling into the water also could be triggering flashbacks for Tyrion for when Tyrion fell into the water and almost drowned in season 5 ,episode 5 when he was fleeing from the stone people

  8. Why didn't you mention Catelyn Stark's cameo when Arya is talking to Brienne about serving both daughters? It's the biggest Easter Egg and you don't even mention it? Good job.

  9. Little Finger actually did try to help the Starks. He didn't out Arya, tried to warn Ned, tried to sabotage the Lannistars at every turn and it isn't his fault the Starks were too prideful to listen to him. He even helped the Tyrell's and Renly when he formed an army. He is doing the same thing Dany is but with far less bloodshed. If you think he's a villain, then Dany is a monster. You can't excuse what she does and says just because she's a pretty girl.

  10. Jorah said he was familiar with the Golden Company and had seen them fight. He never said he was one of them though. If so, why would he leave and why would he be allowed to leave. They aren't allowed to break contracts.

  11. You guys forgot about Caitlyn Starks ghost. When Arya and Brienne are about to spar, Arya reminds her that she made an oath to serve both of her daughters. The moment Arya says the word "mother" the camera pans and you can see a woman pass in the background for less than a second who resembles her mother's visage to a T.

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