Collider Thrones Talk is here to discuss and review the fourth episode of Season 7 of Game of Thrones. Join host Ken Napzok and his roundtable of experts: Rachel Cushing, John Rocha, and Dennis Tzeng as they discuss the many twists and turns in the HBO series.

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  1. Alright, let me explain why people dislike the comment that Dothraki made. No, they aren't disputing the fact that the Lannisters would most likely have lost, either way. They were outnumbered and ill prepared for such an assault, dragon or no. However, the presence of the dragon absolutely destroyed Lannister morale. If I were a soldier and I suddenly saw my comrades screaming as their flesh melted off their bodies and their armor burned white hot, I'd shit my pants and run away. I don't care, I would refuse to die like that. So when the Dothraki say that the Lannister soldiers can't fight, it's like if the Americans said to the Japanese "wow, you guys are such cowards" after they surrendered due to the atom bombings. Of course someone would be a shit fighter and lose all motivation to fight in both situations. The choices are stay and fight a Dothraki until you're killed, be burned alive, or run away.

  2. @Ken Napzok: Seeing you & Rachel here and Maude & Michele on other shows reminds me of a little podcast called "The Night is dark". Best GoT show period. Gratz on success & keep up the great work.

  3. Yeah you guys may have missed the point of what jon said. He basically said leave the people in towns and cities alone dont burn down kings landing for example, but you have dragons and they can be used in other ways like destroying the oppositions army and loot and food supply in the field

  4. When it comes to good Dragon movies where the dragon wrecks havoc…old school ''Dragon Slayer'' & newer school ''Reign of Fire'' are the ones I can watch over & over again. Also the one on one sword training was very good, haven't seen that since season 1 and Dany & Drogon causing devastation was awesome! Plus seeing the Dothraki in action…can't help but be glad they finally got to do something.

  5. Great review but you were wrong on two counts: Dany DID take Jon's advice; and no, no major character should have been killed.
    – On point 1: Jon wasn't saying she should not use the dragons in battle – that would be ridiculous and akin to him never using a giant in battle. He was warning her off recklessly attacking a city with {mostly) civilians. And she didn't; she attacked an army, not civilians. Jon wasn't suggesting she shouldn't fight battles. Jon has fought and won several battles himself.
    – On point 2: It's great that GoT was able to have one of those jaw-dropping "everyone is talking about it" episodes WITHOUT having to kill a significant character.

  6. Since I just got to your vids I got a quick statement and a question .
    I thought I was the only one who saw Breieene smile when Jon shocked Sansa with putting her in charge, and Brieene understood what he did; It brought me back to Craster's Keep with Mormont's "You're to lead " speech, Jon was more subtle, yet he's grooming Sansa to lead, and she seems to be a natural, I'm sure her training from Mom since the age of three helped.

    The question is about Bran and Sansa in the Godswood, what got me was Bran saying that he was sorry that it HAD to happen here in our home, the "had " had me thinking he put Sansa in that position for a reason. Any thoughts?

    I kind of think it's somewhat going to happen in the vale with book Sansa, I still believe Bran got into Sansa's head to have her build Winterfell in the snow.

  7. Bronn should have died this episode. I love Bronn, but he's no longer important to the overall plot and a major character death in this battle would have added some extra weight. And the episode seemed to foreshadow it — the opening scene where he talks about wanting a castle, the moments of levity with him, the bag of gold falling and spilling over when his horse was taken out…

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