This is going to be the huge, action packed episode of the season. The leaks that are proven to be true reveal all the shocking details of this episode, so let’s break them down.



  1. & NK also have huge ass chains now & where da fuck were giants,if he made those chains out of icd thats jus dumb too he shud've made a ladder for his army too.

  2. Dany mourns Viserion forlike 3 sec that was so rushed the whole dragon killimg scene seems stupid it shudnt have been that easy,dragon is super special creature it shud've died differently & the NK is way too OP now wtf he was stabbed by a dragonglass thats it how da fuck he is as powerful asgod for some reason

  3. 2 of the best episodes ever in GOT were Hardhome and Battle of the bastards. what do they have in common….MIguel Sapochnik. the creators really messed up not having him direct this episode and the final one of the season. to make up for this calamity he should direct every episode of the final season or i will riot.

  4. GOT is being really rushed and its a damn shame. This episode was awful and this show is beginning to jump the shark. What's up Arya's ass? Why is Tyrion so prone to giving bad advice? Why didn't Benjen jump on the damn horse, there was plenty of time? Why didn't the Night King, kill the dragon right in front of him? Where did they get a bunch of huge chains randomly, and I was under the impression that wights couldn't get into water, if thats the case whats the point of the wall???? So much sloppy writing and plot armor. Like 5 guys fought of like 50 wights it seems like an army would CRUSH them….. Im not really looking forward to them wrapping up the whole story in 7 more episodes.

  5. GOT Season 7, Episode 6 Observations:
    1. Night's King can totally win the olympic javelin throw category
    2. Gendry just won the Westeros Ultramarathon
    3. Beric and Thoros invented the light saber
    4. Benjen Stark disappeared because he went to Boracay to study fire dancing.
    5. There is probably a hardware store beyond the wall.

  6. thoros of myr died, dany saved jon snow, one of the dragons died and became zombie dragon, dany got hot n heavy with jon snow. want more spoiler? sure. dany is Henry II, Tyrion is Thomas Backet, jon snow is Eleanor of Aquitaine, 3 dragons represent Henry II's children (Richard I, John Lackland, Henry the young king). there. Dany will kill Tyrion. Will imprison/kill Joh Snow…her own dragons will harm Dany just like Henry II's children betrayed him. there…all the fuckin spoilers. enjoy the show.

  7. All the leaks have been right so far. It would suck for them to build John up only for him to be blind and lonely. These families have been through he'll and back. Then they kill a pregnant danny smh

  8. These leaks are so damn disappointing! It's unreal how bad this has become. Now the Night King can take out a dragon with a flick of the wrist. I'm sorry, but spectacle cannot overcome the absurdity of the writing. It's terrible. Just the plan itself is ridiculous! Sacrificing everyone and everything for a 3 month journey to convince a queen that should have been removed immediately.

    I'm just lost as to how bad the writing has become. Like the spectacle would be enough. This is what happens when you write a season to be nostalgic and sentimental, keeping all the major characters alive until season 8.

  9. This episode was crap. Horrible writing… First of all they could've just brought the dragon along in the first place to survey the area and then ambush a wight…and when they finally get the wight they could have all just headed to eastwatch at once instead of making Gendry send a raven. Then the Night King goes and hits the dragon that's flying instead of the one that's on the ground with everyone on its back. And then Jon refuses to get on Drogon and they leave his stupid ass behind, only to sacrifice Uncle Benjen later on for no apparent reason. I think D&D were on crack when they wrote this.

  10. fuck every one who said the episode wasn't good… it was the best episode of game of thrones ever, you bunch of whiney pieces of shit, who the fuck cares if Benjen didn't jump on the horse, it's called hollywood idiots and besides it was waaaaaaay more emotional the way it was. From Thoros to Gendry( Fuckin MVP btw) to Jon, it was like watching a movie. Stop being spoiled little bitches crying about every little thing, criticizing D&D's writing. You should be sucking their cocks for how far they've come for us viewers.

  11. There is a rumor that each episode of season #8 will all be nearly two hours long. If so, we may get a lot more content in season 8 AND with fewer episodes. There is also a rumor of a spin-off series….and it may be a prequel.

  12. It might have just been me but I saw a green tint to the wings of the dragon that dies as it hits the ground. I know its supposed to be Viserion according to the leaks, but green would mean Rhaegal. I don't know which is worse, since Viserion is the sweetest of the three, but Rhaegal is supposed to be Jon mount (in my mind).

  13. More fun listening to you narrate Season 7 Episode 6 than it was reading the spoilers on Reddit! You're HOT! Hope you get Season 8 spoilers and do each episode for us — you give it class and character ;-P

  14. Only 1 left, this is ridiculous. It just started and everything that's happened could have been done in three 70-minute episodes. They've wasted so much time on nonsense and stupidity, like "The Battle of the Gayjoys" that was so poorly done it was the worst battle sequence to date. It looked like a cheap B movie action film.

    So that's 7 left in total then? Thanks, HBO. Thanks for taking a great show, making 60 episodes and then completely ruining it by going way, way off script adding insult to injury by making a total of 13 episodes over 2 Seasons and then having half of the running time be completely useless and wasted. Oh, look Jon is in the centre of the Targaryen sigil in Dragonstone and Tyrion is just outside. Oh, look, Sam has to clean shit and serve soup. Oh, look at Sam going to GoT University and becoming a drooling idiot by ignoring important remarks like "Prince Ragar's" annulment. The old Sam would have corrected Gilly immediately and then 2+2 Sam!

    Oh, Rickon? Dickon. oh ha ha ha he he he ho ho ho. Randyl Tarly "we're not schemers and backstabbers" joins with the Queen of Scheming and Backstabbing. Euron Greyjoy, oh what a villain. Killed the wretched sand snakes and burned the Unsullied Fleet, oh yea Euron, you're making Ramsey look like an armless child (he said he'd make Ramsey look like a good guy) by doing almost nothing but being a bit funny.

    Oh, look Arya and Sansa are total bitches now.


  15. Why didn't the night King freeze the lake again or throw spears at them or at drogon which is actually still and about to save people? These episodes have been nothing but fan service.

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