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  1. So.. Ultimately Jon's Expedition north (which was tyrion's terrible idea,once again ) is responsible for the wall to come down. Because it seems that it's dragon fire which caused the wall to fall.

  2. I agree with everything, but you're wrong about the Arya/Sansa situation. It's not that Arya thinks Sansa is lying, that's not her gripe. The nuance is Arya's disappointment and wariness with Sansa's personality..her selfish, self-serving ways and vanity. Arya knows her in this regard very well and is pretty sure, with the influence of Little Finger, she may be headed down the path of scheming/betrayal in trying to usurp power from Jon Snow. THAT is what she's hostile about. Arya could care less about the letter and whether or not she was forced to or willingly wrote it, she's angry at Sansa's excuses (she was a child, she had no choice etc.) because Arya knows she also did it in part so that she could continue living her lavish life, wearing pretty dresses and go on to be Queen someday…and equally worried about Sansa's future ambitions seeing as how she's now proved herself to be so fickle and self-serving.

  3. Question: Did the NK turn Viserion into a White-Walker (touched his head, shape of the eyes, doesn't look like a wight's eyes at all) or did he just reanimate him?

    If so, will we see Viserion possibly refuse to work with the NK?

  4. He wasn't talking about the bear he was talking about Gendry which is why he freaked out and stopped walking with them. lol you are seriously letting A LOT of stuff fly way over your head this season. You're theories are pretty good but your EP reviews are starting to lose some luster. Again THE FIRST WHITES got BROUGHT INTO CASTLE BLACK Jon brings this up again this season they have nothing to do with the enchantment keeping the night king above the wall The weir wood tree is a different magic that keeps them all out but since season 1 wights could get below the wall

  5. Hey Charlie – what do you feel about story ending (& this isn't wholly new or original) but Sam is telling the story (not new) to Daeny & Jon's young son (Jon then dead/sacrificed to end the Night king)… feel like this is Martin's homage to Tolkien – while being bittersweet in Martin's way.

  6. I think that Viserion is going to breath ice now, and Jon Snow will get to ride the last dragon. This makes sense because Daenerys said that the dragons agree with her because she has a drop of dragon blood, but so does Jon.

  7. Am I really the only one that think that Emilia Clarke is doing a really poor job playing Daenerys ? She may be happy/sad/excited/whatever, the girl always has the same expression on her face. She's supposed to have lost one of her "children" in the last episode for Christ's sake , not even a cry or a tear shed ?!

  8. Fuckin humble-brag sword scene….

    Snow: No he was your father. You take it.
    Mormont: No no, I am a disgrace, and he gave it to you, you take it.

    Snow: NOOO, he was your father and he loved you very much YOU TAKE IT.

    Snow: Yeah you are right. Thanks man.

  9. For all of you guys saying there were a ton of plot holes, read this:

    Wights die in 1 hit because they had dragonglass on their weapons but thats fine, I'm just gonna assume you have problems with your eyesight.

    Stop assuming NK spear does 100% damage to a dragon, He obviously hit the flying dragon because he knew it would fall into the lake, even if he took off half of its HP , being trapped in the water/ dying from a frost damage DOT under water means its almost a 100% kill. NK is not a gambler.

    Chains came from hardhome, only 1 boat was recovered… every other boat had chains for its anchor.
    NK coulda had a vision of the dragons … he was standing waiting with 3 ice spears for a long ass time and didn't act until dragons showed up…………..
    Wights that cannot swim but are DISPENSABLE they just walked below the ice water and put the chains around his neck, and then stay in the water forever coz theyre DISPENSABLE.

    I really really dont understand , dany walks thru fire, john gets ressurected but u guys cant figure out where the NK whos been north of the wall for THOUSANDS of years coulda got some fucking chains.
    There coulda been countless battles at the wall over the years, you dont know how many times the giant anchor chain has broken……….. So many explanations for people to assume chain being north of the wall is somehow UNBELIEVABLE, then you're just literally riding a reverse hype train.

  10. Well I personally have a really weird theory. What if Jon and Danny really can't have any children, but after they win the war agains Cersei they won't be able to kill her son/daughter and they will take it as their own without telling it who it's real parents are. I honestly strongly expect something like that to happen, and that wouldn't really by a surprise to me

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