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Game of Thrones, Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Cersei Lannister, White Walkers, Jaime Lannister, Azor Ahai, Jorah Mormont, The Hound, Sansa Stark, Aria Stark, Bran Stark, Lyanna Stark, Season 7, Episode 6.

Hey guys,

So the finale is closing in and here is my breakdown of its trailer and my expectations and speculations for the final episode.

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And until I see you next time, have a good one.


The Music Credits in this video go to:

Shattered Sky by Shattered Helium

George Street Shuffle by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (


I have created this channel to work on reviews of TV series and Movies, comic book based ones more than others, but nonetheless movies based on games like War Craft and Assassin’s Creed are of special interest to me, and series and movies that get my interest such as The Expanse, The Man In the High Castle, Westworld, Game of Thrones are also included in my roster. I also do recaps of many series I watch even when not reviewing them.

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This video contains information on:
Game of Thrones Season 7
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 5
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6
Game of Thrones 7×05
Game of Thrones 7×06
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 7



  1. Hey Everyone,

    Let me think what you think of the trailer, if you are excited about the finale. Let me know as well what you expect or want to see on the finale. And remember no stupid leaks in the comments, you don't have to spoil it for us all!!!

    But until I see you next time, have a perfect day!!!

  2. this is 2nd video of urs i have watched, and i liked this one too. i am having a hard time watching videos b4 the finale because of all the jerks & their spoilers. i appreciate you telling every1 not to do that. last year i read the leaks & spoilers and it really does take away from the show- so no more! first, i am almost scared to watch the finale cos i feel like people are gonna die. no ones died all season- as u pointed out- even olenna and ellaria & tyene were offscreen. its gonna be something bad 🙁 and probably a terrible cliffhanger to make it worse! though i am hyped to see sooo many characters in 1 scene. but jon shlda took tormund & arya shlda snuck there. then it would be perfect. didnt the building in that location get blown up like the sept of baelor, then they built the dragonpit there? im asking cos im wondering if theres a ton of wildfire stashed under it? or was it already blown up? altho dany doing her 'walkin thru fire' trick in front of EVERYONE and throttling cersei would be one helluva finale. so far, everyone who's seen her do it has immediately dropped to their knees. the man in water on beach looked more like theon to me- and distraught. so i'm thinkin euron may have tried to break the parley by killing yara. tho i feel Dany OWES it to Yara & Theon to help them. they had a deal, they shook on it- they got dany & co. safely to westeros, they completed their part. she agreed to back yara's claim and "help us kill an uncle or 2" she needs to hold up her end of the bargain!

  3. Euron is a sociopath he loves killing and laughs while doing it. He is also a sadist: cutting ~off the tongues of his crew and naming his ship Silence is a reminder that no one witnesses his humiliation/madness and live to talk about it. Combined with another sociopath like Cersei with her ubiquitous Mountain equals Mayhem. Time to put an end to the play "To Kill a Mockingbird" it has dragged long enough, kudos for Arya for superb and convincing acting. The Pack is Surviving in fact Thriving now that "the snows fall and the white winds blow." I, too, would like to see another of Bran's visions with details from Sam and Gilly about Jon's parentage or maybe something else like Night King atop a blue~eyed Viserion or the Wall cracking.

  4. I agree with you. This season seemed a bit rushed for me, especially the predictable episode 4 and 6. I can't imagine they'd kill off Cersei in this episode. Cersei will come up with an evil plan, Jaime won't like it but it would be weird if he'd kill her this episode. Cersei's plan will put the seven kingdoms in danger so that will be a great cliffhanger for the final season.

    As for the power battle. Cersei has the most powerful presence of any character in the show, together with Tywin. I love your remark about the meeting taking place in Dragonpit. It's Cersei saying, you can bring all the dragons you want, I won't move an inch.

  5. Nice work man! There is definitely a whole lot of improvement from when you first started. Just keep working on your videos and they will be great in no time. Not being sarcastic by the way, I remember the sound not being great on your older videos, the tone not being as good as it is now, your tone I mean. So yeah huge relative improvement. Thanks for the video and the breakdown.

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