In this video I talk about how the Game of Thrones Season 7 plot leaks have effected the episodes and what happens if Season 8 leaks!
The final episode of Season 7 airs tonight and after a couple weeks the community will die down a bit. I want you guys to let me know what you think I should do with my channel going forward!
Thanks for watching!
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With the Season 7 finale tonight I thought I would make this video. I have been thinking a lot about the future of GoT and this channel. I will make more GoT videos no matter what but I want to know if you guys want to see other videos on here or another channel. Please
let me know as it is very important to me.
As always, thanks for watching!
Can you not have 2 channels for different content? Would it cost you more in production or other ways? Truly, as a woman, there are many of these channels who do other subjects in which I'm not interested. I don't want to unsubscribe because I want you guys to earn money year round, but I'm not interested in video games or most animated shows. I think it would be a help to those of us not interested in other subjects, but I might forget to re subscribe next year when GoT comes back. I'm sure there are people who get fed up and unsubscribe because of unwanted notifications. That's just my opinion. I'm sure I will keep yours no matter what, because I not only like your stuff, I love your accent! Thanks for all the content this season!
Loves your video. Just Do Whatever is best for you and your channel. And also remember to said that you put the poll in The 'i' Icon on the video.
Do what ya want bra…. You kick ass
Now I understand why Raegar went mad, his true love died and he didn't even get the child.
I'm fine with all the videos on the same channel–thanks and can't wait!
Re: the plot leaks, it definitely affected my enjoyment of the season but I think the casual viewer was unaffected.
Why not make a genre account. I'm up for everything on one channel as I love fantasy.
I would expect with your professional manner of videos that your audience is not the age group that would be into Harry Potter and the Fantastic Beasts I know I sure am not
One channel would be fine. Everyone who loves and follows GOT & LOR will enjoy it all. You do such a good job with the GOT breakdowns, I am sure you will do the same on Lord of the Rings, or anything else you choose to work on. Just don't leave us out in the cold of the Long Night (freakin' long,long nigh) 12-18 months i am hearing. Me Lord, keep us enlightened in dark nights to come! Thanx.
I am sure anything they choose as a spinoff will keep you busy !~ plus… whatever you do a video on..I will listen, just love listening to ya !
I wouldn't put much stock in the season 8 leaks.
It's your channel, do what you think that will draw the folks in. It's your game man.
I would love to see a separate video channel for Lord Of The Rings which was Fantastic.
Well, maybe another channel.There is one other GoT fellow who I listen to often but his videos on a show I have no interest in clutter up my 'subscription' feed here, when I am looking for you; (mostly yours.You know I truly enjoy you all the time.) I would LOVE to hear what you have to say about all things Potter-related and omg! OLTR! Yes! Bring them on!!!
HBO shot themselves in the foot a great deal. It wasn't the fan pix that ruined anything; it was the HBO pictures. This season was weak enough without , as you said, what should have been surprises NOT being surprises. Jon on Benjen's horse and Arya with Little Finger's dagger come quickly to mind. I hope they learned from this season for the next one.
Nice video too
Am still on season 2
No videos and predictions for S8;Why…Cmon bud stay in youtube…you have some interesting theories who are like
Saruman is cheering…
If you're going to do other videos, not Game of Thrones, I see no problem with you publishing all your work on this channel. One place where we can find all your stuff.
You could maybe start covering a winter TV show that are starting in Oct-Nov, see if theres anything that interests you. Just always make sure you prioritise Game of Thrones
I think I'm in the minority, but using your channel as an example, I sub'd for GoT content. I don't sub channels that cover lots of stuff because I watch very little stuff & don't want all that in my "inbox". So if you add other content, I'll probably unsub. It's frustrating but there are way too many shows out there & I'd be inundated with all that. I wish utube had sub-channels so you could sub to a specific category…
The LEAKS are NOT the problem.. the bad writing… I am not talking the direction of the story but HOW they wrote the story that made this a weak season.
Thanks for asking. Since it will be a looong time until GOT season 8 and then the end, it may be wise to open another channel for other stuff.
They've already posted the entire scripts for season 8 episodes 1, 2, 3, and 4! I wouldn't mind the other topics on this channel, if I wasn't interested I would just not look
If legalities are a concern do what is correct. People will follow.
One channel is fine, people should be intelligent enough to click on what they want to watch, plus you may introduce your fans who watch GoT stuff to other new and great things.
Please create separate channels for such majorly different stories of such huge individual strengths,
Another request or your thoughts on…
I think I put way too much time thinking of different scenarios for this crazy story. I know what you YT can do after all the story is told… start a GOT addiction support line for all of us crazy fans that have gone mad over the years trying to make heads or tails of this story. 
The white walker symbols and cave drawings. I know there was another YT guy that did a theory on the first episode symbol left by the WW. He thought it could be the God's Eye/Isle of Faces. I could totally see that being true. I also thought it looked an awful lot like the symbol for a "girl/female". Or maybe a symbol for "unity" and the line through it possibly meaning "no unity or broken unity". The swirly symbol looks a lot like the Targaryen sigil. If you were to draw a rudimentary stick drawing of the sigil. Then there is a circle with another circle in the middle. That same sign is on the stump that Ned beheaded the nights watchman. Also the same type of stone configuration where he was beheaded is just like the ice configuration where the NK turned Craster's baby into a WW. So, could that circle symbol be a symbol of the first men? Or a crude representation of the Stark sigil? Like in the opening credits when it shows Winterfell and the sigil is spinning in circles. It becomes like a blur and looks like a circle in a circle.
Ask your yourself this…What would Ned Stark do:) I like your channel & wish you the best in the future, will be supportive no matter what you decide.
A separate channel for sure!
I'm totally happy to have your other content here! I'm NOT one who gets mad about channels growing. I might not follow a second channel because I feel like it's basically spam to have two channels. Even with my favorite creators I only subscribe to one of their channels.
Can't hardly stand the wait for tonight's episode!!

Yeah Fentony! Make more videos of other great fantasy novel/film material and go ahead and post on this channel so you can get more subscribers. Try it out… worst comes to worst, you can later create separate channels moving specific videos and podcasts if doing it on one channel ends up being hard to manage or a problem. But as a subscriber, I choose what i watch based upon the titles. So, just make the titles clear!
I would love to hear your thoughts on the possibility of Rhaego returning completing the MMD prophecy for Dany. I never hear of anyone ever suggesting that theory. (Except me
) But I have lots of clues to back it up. Just another curve ball to throw out there for people to ponder. I truly think he is returning for the end game. 
I look at it this way… your channel, your rules! Doesn't bother me if you covered other topics. Do whatever you think works best for you. It is awesome that you ask the opinions of your viewers! Thanks a million for all the hard work and thoughts/thoughtfulness that you do for us fans.
) Then I just couldn't take the curiosity and I devoured them in like 0.1 seconds.
Then I absolutely hated myself for being so weak.
One of the main things I love about GOT it trying to figure out the clues and predictions for the story. I am avoiding the next leaks like the plague. It even saddens me to think the story will be spoiled by the show ending before the final book. (Although there will be differences, overall should end the same) Here is to hoping D&D are able to keep the scripts locked down. Seriously, maybe they should go the old fashioned route like GRRM so they can't be hacked. (If that's how the leaks are getting out.) I can't wait to see a documentary/interview from D&D on all the adventures of making such an epic series. 

The spoilers… ugh. I read the spoilers that were leaked last year. At first I refused to read them. (That lasted for about 0.2 seconds
I always like GoT videos in the off season so if you have fun with it do it. I saw the season 7 leaks and i was schocked in some moments regardless, for me its still a difference between reading it and then seeing it on screen, But i Hope we wont get any major leaks from season 8.
how do you know it's fake(s8)?
Keep everything on one channel. I will watch whatever you make. Love fantasy stuff