Game of Thrones – Season 7 Review!









Cersei Lannister & Melisandre Art by:



  1. They may be cousins, but they grew up as brother and sister. In all practical purposes, they are brother and sister. If they were Targaryens or Lanisters that would be fine, but they're Starks. You're a disgusting pervert who should be beaten.

  2. In the show Little Finger has always been a minor player, just another of Tywin's lackeys. He never had the influence he had in the books. Season 7 holds up much better when binge watched rather than weekly. The pace really works with where we are in the bigger picture.

  3. I have no great faith in the notion that anyone is going to "break the wheel" by introducing democracy to Westeros; you can't move a society from a mediaeval feudal system to a democracy in a mere seven episodes. Even if you have dragons. A Westerosi Federation with representatives of the eight regions in a parliamentary council sitting at KL is the best I could see for them.

  4. Great analysis, guys! You especially hit the nail on the head about Dinklage and Headey. Great acting! Winterfell was indeed murky, but you hit a homerun with Arya and Littlefinger going at it and Sansa in the middle. There are many clues, but it still should have been clearer. Arya didn't go to Bran; she didn't need to. As Maisie Wiliams said in The Game Revealed for Ep 5, Arya never trusted Littlefinger. In Ep 4, after showing what she could do with his dagger, Arya gave LF the death glare, so he knew she could kill him. He couldn't murder her because Sansa would immediately blame him. Then Arya did some FM surveillance on him and devised a ruse to 'play-act' a menacing version of herself with Sansa. Sansa of course ran to LF for advice, and he started subtly advocating Sansa co-opt Arya by killing her. But during their discussion of the Faces, Arya SILENTLY handed Sansa the dagger to show she was no threat and that it was time to Sansa recognize the REAL threat. Once LF was dead, Arya went back to her normal self and Sansa called her "the strongest person I know".

  5. I think Cersei is pregnant but will miscarry or it will be stillborn. I'm thinking Arya will kill Cersei, it's been spoken enough that she's going to kill the Queen, unless they pull a fast one on us.

  6. Its only been a couple of weeks and ive missed you guys so much.

    I had this thought that D&D want a happy ending because and George wanted a 'sad' ending and the fact that its on tv, producers etc want a happy ending and ithink all this came about at the time when george left writing the show.
    Just a thought.

  7. You guys slay! I look forward to your reviews more than I look forward to the actual show. Also, you fixed Twin Peaks for me. Love the dry delivery, even when we can tell you're reading. And the animation is absolutely worth all the effort. Light saber battles, Batman vs Superman sequences… Perfect.

  8. In every past season I have been able to go back and rewatch almost any episode over and over and marveled at how many great scenes there are. This season I don't feel that way. Maybe with time I'll feel differently. I thought the whole Arya and Sansa plotline was contrived. They should have built some drama about how difficult it might be to actually bring down Littlefinger. He really deserved a more interesting involved death that a toss-in in the finale. I thought the plotline to try to negotiate with Cersei was dumb. I didn't find the scene with Cersei and Tyrion interesting at all, because everything Cersei says is meaningless. The season moved the main storyline along, but that's about all it did IMO. Also, Aaron, it's time to let Theon off the hook. I thought his scene with Jon was one of the better scenes of the finale.

  9. Yooo so "fair and balanced" is very closely mentioned in season 4 episose 7 (Mockingbird) by a stable man who is dying and talking to Arya and the hound. Im rewatching the whole series and just came across of like 5 mins ago lol

  10. D&D were hired to adapt books, not write the ending for A Song of Ice and Fire. All scorn must be heaped on GRRM's lazy ass. It's been 7 years and no new book. It should be evident now to everyone that GRRM has no idea how to end this story and probably never will in book form.

  11. Wouldn't say it's the worst season. Probably second to worst. First 4 episodes were solid. Episode 5 had a lot of great moments, episode 6 was disappointing minus a few things. And the Finale was really good w/out the cringe Theon scene. People shouldn't hate on the season as a whole, and say the show sucks now. It's middle chapter was just fairly week compared to other Thrones seasons, but there's still lots to love about it.

  12. Aunt is definitely worse. Even by Westerosi standards, cousin marriage isn't considered incest but aunt-nephew is (more shared blood). But Jonsa? Nasty, man, they grew up thinking they were siblings. Not that Jonerys is much better.

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