Season 7 Episode 3 The Queen’s Justice is coming and with it we may see Jaime Lannister get revenge on Olenna Tyrell and take Highgarden.

In this video I predict what Jaime will do in episode 3. Will he attack Highgarden? Will Olenna tell him about Joffrey’s death? Will he kill Olenna Tyrell? WIll she kill herself? And what about his relationship with Cersei? Tune in to find out what I think!

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  1. I think Olena will kill herself, or Jamie will give her that option. You don't mess with the Queen of Thornes. Whatever you do with her, it has to be honourable, in some manner. She is, after all, the Matriarch of all Westeros.
    And yes, that will mess up the relation between Jamie and Cersei even more.

    I hope we will get more than five minutes of a battle; Highgarden is a key part of the country.

    Thanks for the great video!

  2. Why did Jon Snow in ep 2 say that dragonglass is needed for the WW and their army. Dragonglass just works on WW not wights, I am pretty sure Jon knows or maybe not because he never tested it out.


    Maybe they are capturing the wight to test how it can be called (also with dragonglass).

  3. Even in a fantasy show it seems ridiculous that someone hasn't dispatched Cersci by now.  Somebody should put a dragon bolt through her skull.  But instead we'll have to wait for the Valunqar o get around to it.

  4. I want to see Dany's reaction to learning her allies were defeated. I believe Jon's military understanding will be instrumental in saving Dany's scattered forces. I believe he says that the objective now is to recover the spoils from the sacking of High Garden. This is where he points out the Casterly Rock force must march south to attack the supply train. He then tells Dany to attack from the south with her Dothraki. That gives the advantage to her and thus Field of Fire 2.0 is created.

  5. It will be a quick battle for High Garden. Since High Garden is almost not defended. The Tyrell Armies according to plans was marching on King's Landing. The Lannisters will meet them on open field. Randyll Tarly will decimate them or recruit them. I think this battle will be off screen. Just the sacking of High Garden will be shown.

  6. Is the prince that was promised suppose to lead tge war against the nights king or kill the nights king? Because it would be epic if Jamie kills the nights king in protection of Jon. Then that would be his great deed in the book of kingsguards. And also redemption for Rhagaer who he was fond of.

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