Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 5 gave us two massive Jon Snow scenes where his true parentage was teased. We know who his mother and father are but the show has not confrimed who the daddy is just yet.

In this video I talk about how I think Jon’s parentage will be revealed and how it will be proven to the people of Westeros.

Stay tuned for some end game Jon Snow hopes and predictions aswell!

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  1. Let me know your thoughts on how the show will reveal Jon Snow's true parentage. Even if Bran Stark goes back and sees Rhaegar and Lyanna's wedding that doesn't mean the rest of Westeros knows about Jon. There must be more in the journal that Gilly found or maybe Howland Reed has something?

    Also how will Game of Thrones end for Jon Snow? We still have the end of season 7 and 8 to get through but it is fun hearing what you guys think!

    Thanks for watching and I will see you in the comments!

  2. how you say that jon is the dragon king , if he was burnt by fire in season one , and dany say that a real dragon can not be hurt by fire , as her brother was dying, explain that plz

  3. I want Jon Snow to ride a dragon and win the war that he have with the night king and after he can marry the mother of Dragon than rule the 7 kingdom with ghost on the right and the dragon on the left. Being honest this series is the best to me and can't wait for the next season.

  4. Dont want jon to be king😭😭. Leave dany let her have the throne. Stay jon snow bastard son of ned stark and KING OF THE NORTH. I rather everyone find out who he is and he turns down the thrown

  5. How I think this story will end is Jon sacrificing himself to stop the Night King, and then Dany will be left to rule the 7 Kingdoms. And then she will Raise their Child and tell him or her about how their father saved their world.. I kind of think maybe this whole thing is a story being told to Jon and Danys child by? Just think of old Nan and how she used to tell stories to Bran, maybe we are all seeing what has already happened threw the eyes of a story teller… One more prediction I have is that it will be Arya that kills Cersi using Jaime's face….

  6. Maybe the truth is confirmed by four witnesses, Sam, Bran, Howland, and Drogon…or…let's not forget in the series a true Targaryen is impervious to fire, so maybe Jon survives a fire unscathed…that would be huge and the Dothraki, Jorah, and Dany would immediately understand. But I'm new to the series (binge watched the entire thing)


    I've seen many speculate on whether Jon snow is the " "song of fire and ice" being that his mother Lyanna was a stark of winterfell and father Rhaegar was a targaryen prince of dragon-blooded decent. Another theory was his imminent unity with Daenerys could also be this song but my take is this.

    Resurrection by ICE is Valar Dohaeris meaning all men must serve hence why he controls everyone animated by ice. Resurrection by FIRE is Valar Morghulis meaning all men must die and only in believing in the lord of light can a man be re-animated by fire and brought back to "life" . Neither one is good nor evil.
    Jon Snow is animated by fire not ice but is technically still a wight but is unknowingly fighting for the lord of lights cause. Both lord of light and the knight king are at war to see who can control mankind's fate. Valar Dohaeris (ICE) which sustains life but in a plateaued state where free will and growth are all but lost but never are truly destroyed
    Valar Morghulis (FIRE) has the power to destroy but also to rebuild, grow and pave the way for different and possibly more beautiful things to flourish. they are the 2 sides of the spectrum (FIRE/ICE). Everything else including the throne is pointless.

    That is the true song of fire and ice in my eyes

  8. I think unfortunately that my favorite character, Jon Snow will die. Dany will be killed during the war with the Ice King and since Jon will have the power to give the kiss of life, he will kiss Dany so she can live to rule the 7 Kingdoms and at this point Jon will die forever. We will see Dany sitting on the Iron throne alone as she fades to black. That's my guess of the bittersweet ending.

  9. Last night i have a dream about game of thrones, in my dream brawn as one of clossest freind of reahgar, n i have seen a sword, this sword was like king arthur sword, i dont rember clearly but i brown who was guiding jhon too get this sword

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