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  1. I think you're missing a HUGE PART of the vision–DAENERYS. Think about it. Why was it that she was these visions? I find it baffling that most ignores Dany's importance to it all because most only invision JON SNOW as the end game. What a shame.

  2. dude Jon and Dannie are going to fall in love .But Jon is going to have to kill Dannie with his sward right throw her Hart for this sward to go on fire light bringer that why Dannie never thoughts the throne . Sansa and Jon will rule together .Sansa is the younger Queen .better sweet ending

  3. This show could easily have ten seasons. There's still so much to do potentially with Dorne, Casterly Rock, Highgarden, Old Town, and the huge white walker war. I would love to see this happen

  4. The stone dragon is not connected with Aegon. In the A Clash of Kings, Bran has warged into Summer, and sees a vision when out hunting for food. "The smoke and ash clouded his eyes, and in the sky he saw a great winged snake whose roar was a river of flame. He bared his teeth, but then the snake was gone." There is a theory in Reddit that this dragon was hatched from a dragon egg given to Jon at his birth, and subsequently left in the Winterfell crypts by Ned. It was Targaryen custom to gift each child a dragon egg at birth. Jon Snow knows nothing, but once he finds the courage to enter the crypts, he may find out more than he is prepared to learn.

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