Game of Thrones Season 7 Predictions / Theories Q&A #5
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**Potential Spoilers**

This weeks Game of Thrones Season 7 predictions/theories Q&A. This week we discuss Little Finger’s potential death, Arya and Sansa reuniting, what will happen in the crypts of Winterfell, Melisandre and glamouring, Rhaegar Targaryen, Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen, and many more Game of Thrones Season 7 questions submitted by you guys. Thanks for watching, discuss!

A Dragon Raised By Wolves:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4: Coming Soon…
Game of Thrones Season 7 :

GoT Season 7 Plot Leak:
Latest Season 7 Q&A:
S7 Filming Spoilers:
Jorah’s Fate:
Latest Season 7 Q&A:
Bran and the Wall:
Season 7 Marwyn the Mage:
Bran Stark Theory:
Gods in Westeros?:
Season 7 Gendry:
Last Hero Theory:

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  1. Can anyone tell me what's so special about Sam that the whitewalkers not only passed on killing once in the beginning when he fell as they ran for the wall and again when they came for Gillys' baby

  2. i think they go to get gendery Because there are few people left that are Grate smiths. Everyone that knows him remembers the Bulls head helmet.. Just imagine what he could do with dragon glass and Vulairon steel..??..!! Bad A*s.

  3. If the old dead Starks will rise, they will fight against Winter. I am pretty sure, that Brandon the Builder did not build the crypts as a massive time bomb against his own descendants. He may leave the custom to burn the dead STarks if he would thought, they will fight against the living. Those dead Starks will fight against the dead, protecting the living.

  4. so I just had a thought azor ahai profecy says" he shall wake dragons out of stone" what if this is referring to Jon Snow finding out about his birth by opening leanna's statue in the crypts of winterfell

  5. I think that the night king will succeed crossing the wall. And I think that the night king is also playing in the game of thrones. He wants to bring eternal winter to the known world and rule it all. DUH. So dany's fleet will decide to enter westeros directly through king's landing. But euron grejoy would have joined forces with cercei and they would be ready for the war.

    "watchers on the wall" have reported a huge sea battle scene. So cerci+greyjoy forces will defeat dany and cause them to flee north with their rest of the fleet which survives. Euron takes theon or yara prisoner or even tyrion. As a gift for this huge help, cercei decides to marry euron. We will get to see another wedding fail in which cercei is killed "black wedding", tyrion or jamie will kill her. valanqar prophecy is fullfilled. I know that the second part of the prophecy is that a younger and more beautiful queen will replace her. But think about it. Margerie already fulfilled that one.. OH come on she was <3 😛 ..

    so defeated dany joins forces with jonny boy. Now the timeline… the sea battle in ep 2. ep 4 black wedding and arya also makes it to winterfell. … ep 5 everyone will come to know about jonny boy's true parentage via bran or reed or somebody …….ep 6 tyrion and jamie make it to north after killing cercei…. after jonny boy convincing dany, in ep 8 they decide to defend the wall but wights already breached the wall……. a great battle against the wights and both sides are pushed back a bit. …… season finale: we get to know the 3 heads of the dragon… and stuff like that ………….. This will make season 8 focus fully on the great battle.

  6. 5 bucks on that valyerian steel dagger being used to kill Littlefinger. His own twisted plan coming back to bite him in the ass. I believe it's called a Chekhov's Gun trope. I'm hoping for Sansa using it on Littlefinger and his ass falling through the window. Irony of him getting the plan he made for Bran instead.

  7. Whoop whoop loved this video, like all your GOT vids. I wasn't up to date and saved myself some of your posts to watch them in a row. Just want to state again how much I dig you Chris, James and your posts ❤️ keep 'em coming please!
    Question; (I know some stuff has already been discussed) but do you think we will see Howland Reed in season 7 and do you think he will ever see his daughter Meera again? Last question for now; what do you think is going to happen if Bran would cross the Wall?

    Ps. Is it possible to participate in the give away from out of The Netherlands or is it for USA citizens only?
    😘 Aimée

  8. I hope the Valyrian Steel Dagger used to assassinate Bran was with the Freys at The Twins and Arya found it following her murder of Walder Frey, returning it to Winterfell in Season 7

  9. Hi Guys. Out of all the vids on ASOIAF/Thrones I think you have the most insight to offer. Keep up the good work! This question can go along with season 7 predictions/ Q&A and A Dragon Raised By Wolves:

    Do you think Jon's parentage could be revealed by one of Danny's dragons rather than Howland Reed or face to face with Bran? Hear me out….

    We know that in season 7 Jon and company will see a dragon at some point. Perhaps when Jon is "introduced" to them, something will happen that will "kick start" Jon's Targaryen side and make him realize who he really is. I can see a variation of one of the following:

    -Something as simple as the dragons taking an immediate liking to him and/or acting over friendly.
    -Jon being close enough to one of them leading to his warging abilities finally come to light and this leads to the truth.
    -Bran going to Winterfell, misses Jon and when learning who Jon has gone to see we have some sort of Jon-Bran-dragon (Rhaegal?) warging link up.
    -Jon simply touches a dragon and he has some sort of vision.

    Although this is a long shot I figured this to be an interesting take on the reveal. Would love for this to make one of your vids but any response would be great!!- Thanks

  10. I do apologize but I just remembered that Arya was with Tywin Lannister and LittleFinger when the planning of the Red Wedding was going on at Harrenhall.  I can see her killing Littlefinger.  Will she tell Sansa this?

  11. Remember that the Stark Lords are entombed and their effigy has a sword across the lap which is supposed to keep their spirits from wandering. Except for the swords Bran and Co. took, maybe the whitewalkers won't be able to raise them.

  12. I totally agree with your Gendry theory! When I saw the spoiler video of Davos and Tyrion, I was trying to figure out how the stories were connected, but now when I hear your predictions, it absolutely makes sense!!!!

  13. Another great video Fellas. Thank you for thinking of us. We always think of you too! Bc few peeps put out as much great content as you 🙂 Thanks for all your hard work.
    I like the idea of Robin Arryn making the Mockingbird fly. 😉

  14. I am a show only watcher and I wanted to start reading the books, but I was wondering should I just buy the 5 book box set and start reading or just wait for Winds of Winter to be released and just get the 6 book box set next year ?

  15. So, I am re-reading the 1st book again finally 🙂 I was on one of the earlier Bran chapters where he has recently woken and Old Nan is in the room with him and she starts to tell him the story of the "long night" when the white walkers came and how they were defeated but she was stopped by Robb and Hodor bursting into the room! So, Old Nan atleast knew something. To me, its always been obvious that she knew a lot. GRRM loved to make it sound like she was slightly senile with age, but the part about how "all the Brandon Starks have become one in her mind" made me ahhhh and set the book down and my mind just started rolling! I think that is some sort of clue!!! We KNOW Bran travels back in time. We KNOW his actions directly affect the past and future. So do you think it is possible that some of the "old Brandon starks" are actually OUR BRAN going back in the past somehow?!? I think that would be very clever and interesting!

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