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  1. Ray knew from the beginning that there needed to be 3 heads for the "dragon" i think Ray wife wasnt able to bare him any more children hence why he would of needed to have sex with another women to bare him the 3rd child, Ray always knew he wanted 3 children but that doesnt mean all 3 came from same wife,

  2. Where can I read the "Aegon the Conqueror Story" you mention? If there is not one conclusive story line can you recommend a good one for me to read if I'm interested in entering further into the Game of Thrones world. (Read books and watched Shows)

  3. I'm very interested in what is happening with Varys. After that conversation with the red priest he seemed really affected. he also used the words fire and blood. there has to be a well of fun stuff there

  4. I never read any of the books, but I really enjoy the show. On the blogs, I kept seeing R+L=J. My initial thought, Jon was Robert's bastard son and Ned hid Jon from Robert to keep Cersei from killing Jon. Season 6 proved my theory was way off.

  5. I can't believe so many people are buying into the ice dragon thing. Why would people think that the show would let its whole story leak? They've done a great job maintaining secrecy and surprises, now so many fans are convinced that the whole story for S7 has leaked? Nope. Not buying it.

  6. I'd actually argue that Jon's Targ name is Jon – after Connington.

    It works bc it gives a hint of truth to the story at the fingers about Jon being named for one of his father's friends. Just, instead of it being Arryn, the friend of Ned, it's Connington, friend of Rheagar

  7. I don't care about spoilers or rumors. All I know… season 7 of Game of Thrones cannot come fast enough. As for Cersei, I know the show would like to keep her around as long as possible, but I think she'll be dead by the end of season 7, probably very early in the season actually. However, Jamie and the Lannister army will be what Danaerys and Jon Snow/Stark/Targaryen will continue to hunt and fight after Cersei is gone throughout the rest of season 7.

  8. Theory about Benjen saving Jon: What if Jon will be already killed by the wights and halfway to becoming a wight himself and Benjen comes and he knows, how to stop it (dragonglass shard punched into his heart). And then Jon will become a halfdead, like Benjen, but stays still himself in mind, like Benjen. Frozen body, doesn't need to eat or drink any more (poisoning attempst will be meanless, LF!). And: if he survives the War for the Dawn and the Duel with the Night king, he may live and rule forever, like kind of a Jesus Christ.
    And there are two other hints which support this theory: Jon has to unite the waring people of the Seven Kingdoms, including the ironborn. And if Yara goes, Euron can't rule as a good king after the war, because he is a villain and he will be gone sooner or later and Theon is not able to rule either, so who would be the King of the Ironborn in the end? WHAT IS DEAD, MAY NEVER DIE, BUT RISES HARDER AND STRONGER. An undead king Jon would fit to this description. And then he could unite after the War whole Westeros. (wildling will never accept anybody but him, Northerners accept him as Stark, southerners as a Targaryen, ironborn as their undead king, long live King Jahaerys Starkgaryen, the Wise, the Conciliator). Another hint which supports this theory is from the books in Dany's POV (Dance of the Dragons, somewhere). When Dany turns to his husband (who is Hizdahr that time) in bed, but his husband's lips are blue and bruised when he kisses her, and his manhood as cold as ice… I think it is foreshadowing for Jon. And then Jon (half wight, half White Walker, like Benjen) will be irresistable to fire the same way, like the White Walkers are: fire will be simply gone out from his touch (When the Walker walked through the burning house in S508 – Hardhome, fire gone out, where he stepped).
    And then his tragedy, the bittersweet ending is: his body died, he can't feel anything anymore (hints of cold taking hold over his body in the books everywhere, warm is gone, forgotten, but he still desires it). And then comes Dany, who is kind of the source of fire magic herself (she can't burn, because she is fire in human form), and her touch, her fire will remain the only thing, what he can still feel over the cold of his body. Their love, their desire to each other will be kind of a magic, too. And then: he has to sacrifice Dany to forge Lightbringer to kill the Night king and becoming Azor Ahai and save mankind. And he will do it (foreshadowing in Ygritte's fate, duty is more important to him than love), and I think, she, Dany will do it too, to save their people from the dead. It won't be a murder, like Stannis to Shireen, it will be an agreed, weeping sacrifice. But with this sacrifice Jon looses the last thing, which he still could feel, he will loose his humanity entirely to save mankind and becoming an eternal, absolute king.

  9. I think most of the leaks are true. Well, it is not he whole picture, but most of it is true. I have two big problems, if they are true:
    1. How could leave Jon the North for negotiating Dany without securing the Wall the most he can? I mean: leading the northern and the Vale army first to the Wall and only after that leaving the North for getting reinforcement from the South. Come on: Edd has 50 men in Castle Black and it is already winter so the Night king can attack any time from now. And Jon, as Lord Commander is perfectly aware of that that Edd won't be able to stop the dead with 50 men. (Anyway, why would attack the Night king Castle Black at all? There are 19 forts along the Wall, there is manned only 3 of them.The Wall is unguarded for hundreds of miles. And the Night King can even cross at Nightfort, where Bran and Sam have met by crossing the Wall).
    2. Dany will go to rescue Jon Beyond the Wall. Arya will send the Hound probably to protect Jon and Gendry. Tormund will go with Jon to protect him. And after that, Jon will be left behind to the wights?

  10. Hi, I would like you to make a video about this year's election. I know it is not a movie, but you can not deny – it felt like we were in a movie, or a dream, or a nightmare – depends on which side you where on. So what is your opinion about that?

  11. As soon as I heard that Jon's "real name" is Aegon, I stopped believing any written spoilers. Because like either Rhaegar is really bad with remembering names, so he thought naming both his sons Aegon would be a good idea, or he just forgot he already had a family.

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