Game of Thrones Season 6 Theories and Prophecy Discussion
Season 6 Trailer Breakdown:

Here I discuss Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire prophecy and theory. Is prophecy real in Game of Thrones, can it be changed, or is it pre-determined? Do our Game of Thrones characters have a choice in the outcome of prophecy? Discuss!

I go over a few Game of Thrones character examples of their prophecies and theories on what they could mean:

Melisandre – A shadow binder from Asshai and her fire visions.
Quaithe – A mysterious shadow binder and her prophetic riddles.
Moqorro – A red Priest that lets you decide what his flames show him.
Mirri Maz Durr – A witch with more prophetic riddles for Daenerys Targaryen.
Jojen Reed – Of the old Gods and his green dreams.

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  1. In the show..we never saw Tomlin's body close. Is it possible that if Qybren , perhaps a Spy from Dorne,.took the body and reanimated it like the mountain? it fits the valonqar theory if Tomin kills her.The book may have a vastly different in book but maybe..

  2. I wonder, the Mirri Maz Dur propehcy, that Drogo will return – if all the thing she says were true (the sun sets in the east etc.), does that mean that Drogo will be resurrected? Or would have been if Dany hadn't killed him? Or does that meen she would find love again? Or will Dany die, and be reunited with Drogo in deth? I love this prophecy and how you can explain all the parts becoming true but it just doesnt' work for me if at the end all you get is Drogo… 🙂

  3. I think it's kind of likely for a prophecy to come true if it's guaranteed the person it's mainly about hears it in the first place. Choices that the person will make because they heard the prophecy will already be included in the prophecy. Therefore, a prophecy could in itself be a "lie" to get a person to act in the actual forecast future's interest, like in Matrix. I think that's how a functioning prophecy, if not simply trapping its subject of interest so it becomes self-fulfilling, should work like that to be an actual prophecy with some kind of true outcome, and I hope something like that turns out to be true in the series. :>

  4. Love your videos, but I think you were moving quick enough that you overlooked something. If Aerys Targaryen is Tyrion's actual father (I love the idea), he's not just a Targaryen. Tyrion would be both a Targaryen and a Lannister. His mother would still be Joanna Lannister, Tywin's 1st cousin I believe. The Targaryen and Lannister blend reinforces the prediction that Viserion is destined to be linked to Tyrion. The molten gold looking eyes and general red/gold coloration matches the Lannister colors.

  5. black or red a dragon is a dragon. R+L=A. Aegon would be black but still a dragon and not a pretender. he would still be more legit than dani. i beleive the priestess on the boat was ashara dayne. the spider managed to smuggle her and aegon to jon con after ned made the switch for jon who he took back to winterfell. B+A=J. just makes sense to me

  6. as far as prophecies do you think the events would still happen if no one tells them? in my opinion once they are told the prophecy the characters go looking for the connections, which wouldn't be a prophecy at all and more like influencing these characters

  7. do you think that since targareons married eachother after Jon finds out about his true parents and Dannie finds out she's not the only one do you think there is a chance they will fall in love and rule together?

  8. i just bumped into your video,
    I Love your commentary. fantastic. SUBSCRIBED
    did you hear about John Snow being a barathian? Illianahs un-wed child while king still mulled over his first ( and as the story goes only love) another super fun story to behold. "i promis" was dont tell… just like in other theories…

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