Here is the first Trailer for Game of Thrones Season 7



  1. I bet that fat fuck George R.R. Martin types every book with 1 hand and touches himself with the other cause he's a sick incest lover. Someone should raid his house for illegal sexual activities.

  2. I thought the dragon at the end, with the Dothraki, was too gold to be Drogon so was probably Viserion, and publicly said so, as he may also have a rider in this series. However, out of all the riders, Daenerys is most likely to be with the Dothraki obviously on Drogon. What is more significant is that in the brief scene where all 3 dragons fly up past Tyrion, 1 by 1, does indeed show that all 3 dragons have more vibrant gold in them. I haven't read the books but been watching since start season 3 before it took off, and always thought Rhaegal was to eventually sport some gold touches with his green anyway, though didn't think it would be quite so prominent on Drogon. Of course Viserion is "THE gold 1" (lol, where did that saying come from does anyone know?!)

    As an occasional participant (because of folk like the 2nd of these people) I can't find how to access the 2 people I discussed this with from my home page via mobile. this'll be boring for everyone else:

    Be interested to hear what Debi thinks and as for the other, lucky I haven't reported them for their blatant insult. Plus if you tell someone to move along (that's not the insult as well they know) and have to use a code as an id it's you who needs to grow up. I like actual nicknames, but it affects my gmail to all recipients other than social so had to change back.

    Hope that scene is early in the season! 👍

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