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  1. I got it. when tyrion is standing on the ledge, looking regretful – Daenerys says to him "we're going to take Casterly Rock, your home. We're going to kill anyone who opposes us. You will not be a part of it". then she flies away, watching his Queen go take over this home, without him.

  2. 12:14 – I am assuming that Yara & Theon's ships will be set upon by Euron, and that he is going to have some type of fire throwing artillery, advanced weaponry that no one in Westeros has seen before. Hence the look of shock and horror on Yara's face in one of the trailers. After all, Euron has traveled all over Planetos, claiming to have sailed as far west as west goes – and even claims to have gone to Asshai – so he's going to have some epic collections of advanced civilizations!! (He is in possession of a complete suit of armor made of Valyrian steel, and maybe we will even see Dragon Binder!!) EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

  3. Michael Smith facebook me I don't have anyone to talk GoT with during the season. I guess we can talk on nerd soup. The Burlington Bar GoT reactions are really good. I would love to have a group of people to watch with, it's like being in a theater of people but my little town I haven't heard anything. Someone did do an Downton Abbey finale group but that's it. Last name Ratliff, I'm old and all you see on my Facebook is my kids and they are in college, I'm an empty nester

  4. I like these, but I definitely think the guy who produces these should read the books for further explanation about the events unfolding in the show. For instance, he's stuck to the notion of the "valonquar" being Tyrion, since he's the little brother of Cersei Lannister. However, upon reading the first five books of A Song of Ice and Fire, it's revealed that Cersei is actually the oldest of the Lannister children and Jaime would absolutely also be her little brother.

    Also, Daenarys ends up at Dragonstone not only because it was the Targaryen stronghold in the past, but it's also her birthplace, so it seems only natural that she'd be drawn back there.

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